Thread: Re: Problems with avg on interval data type

Re: Problems with avg on interval data type

Thomas Lockhart
> We have recently upgraded from 7.0.3 to 7.1 and a query which used
> to work is no longer working.
> The query does an avg on an interval column and now gets the error:
> ERROR:  Bad interval external representation '0'

OK, there is one case of interval constant which is not handled
correctly in the 7.1.x release -- the simplest interval specification
having only an unadorned integer. That is a bug, for which I have a
patch (or patches) available.

Before I post the patch (which should go into the 7.1.2 release as a bug
fix) I need feedback on a conventions dilemma, which led to the code
modifications which introduced the bug. Here it is:

Intervals usually indicate a time span, and can be specified with either
"# units" strings (e.g. '5 hours') or (as of 7.1) as "hh:mm:ss" (e.g.

A new construct, "a_expr AT TIME ZONE c_expr" is supported in 7.1, per
SQL99 spec. One of the possible arguments is
 a_expr AT TIME ZONE 'PST'

 a_expr AT TIME ZONE INTERVAL '-08:00'

It is this last style which leads to the problem of how to interpret
signed or unsigned integers as interval types. For example, in this

must be interpreted as having units of "hours", while our historical
usage has

being interpreted as "seconds" (even with signed values). Currently, we
interpret various forms as follows:
 Value    Units +8    hours -8    hours 8.0    seconds 8    ?? seconds ??

I would propose that the last example should be interpreted in units of
seconds, but that could be perilously close to the conventions required
for the signed examples. Comments?
                    - Thomas

Re: Problems with avg on interval data type

Tom Lane
Thomas Lockhart <> writes:
>> We have recently upgraded from 7.0.3 to 7.1 and a query which used
>> to work is no longer working.
>> The query does an avg on an interval column and now gets the error:
>> ERROR:  Bad interval external representation '0'

> OK, there is one case of interval constant which is not handled
> correctly in the 7.1.x release -- the simplest interval specification
> having only an unadorned integer. That is a bug, for which I have a
> patch (or patches) available.

I have modified the declaration of avg(interval) to initialize its
accumulator as '0 second' instead of just '0', so as far as the
aggregate goes it's not necessary to consider this a bug.

> Currently, we interpret various forms as follows:

>   Value    Units
>   +8        hours
>   -8        hours
>   8.0        seconds
>   8        ?? seconds ??

> I would propose that the last example should be interpreted in units of
> seconds, but that could be perilously close to the conventions required
> for the signed examples. Comments?

Yipes.  I do not like the idea that '+8' and '8' yield radically
different results.  That's definitely going to create unhappiness.

I suggest that the current code is more correct than you think ;-).
ISTM it is a good idea to require a units field, or at least some
punctuation giving a clue about units --- for example I do not object to
'08:00' being interpreted as hours and minutes.  But I would be inclined
to reject all four of the forms '+8', '-8', '8.0', and '8' as ambiguous.
Is there something in the SQL spec that requires us to accept them?
        regards, tom lane

Re: Problems with avg on interval data type

Thomas Lockhart
> >   Value       Units
> >   +8          hours
> >   -8          hours
> >   8.0         seconds
> >   8           ?? seconds ??
> > I would propose that the last example should be interpreted in units of
> > seconds, but that could be perilously close to the conventions required
> > for the signed examples. Comments?
> Yipes.  I do not like the idea that '+8' and '8' yield radically
> different results.  That's definitely going to create unhappiness.

Yeah, I agree. The ugliness is that an unsigned integer has been
accepted in the past as "seconds", and would seem to be a reasonable

> I suggest that the current code is more correct than you think ;-).
> ISTM it is a good idea to require a units field, or at least some
> punctuation giving a clue about units --- for example I do not object to
> '08:00' being interpreted as hours and minutes.  But I would be inclined
> to reject all four of the forms '+8', '-8', '8.0', and '8' as ambiguous.
> Is there something in the SQL spec that requires us to accept them?

Single-field signed integers (and unsigned integers?) must be acceptable
for a time zone specification (pretty sure this is covered in the SQL
spec). Remember that SQL is woefully inadequate for date, time, and time
zone support, but afaicr a signed integer is one of the few things they
do specify ;)
                     - Thomas

Re: [BUGS] Re: Problems with avg on interval data type

Peter Eisentraut
Tom Lane writes:

> I suggest that the current code is more correct than you think ;-).
> ISTM it is a good idea to require a units field, or at least some
> punctuation giving a clue about units --- for example I do not object to
> '08:00' being interpreted as hours and minutes.  But I would be inclined
> to reject all four of the forms '+8', '-8', '8.0', and '8' as ambiguous.
> Is there something in the SQL spec that requires us to accept them?

Our interval is quite a bit different from the SQL version.  In SQL, an
interval value looks like this:

INTERVAL -'5 12:30:15.3' DAY TO SECOND

The unit qualifier is required.  Consequentially, I would reject anything
without units, except '0' maybe.

Peter Eisentraut

Re: Problems with avg on interval data type

Tom Lane
Thomas Lockhart <> writes:
>> I suggest that the current code is more correct than you think ;-).
>> ISTM it is a good idea to require a units field, or at least some
>> punctuation giving a clue about units --- for example I do not object to
>> '08:00' being interpreted as hours and minutes.  But I would be inclined
>> to reject all four of the forms '+8', '-8', '8.0', and '8' as ambiguous.
>> Is there something in the SQL spec that requires us to accept them?

> Single-field signed integers (and unsigned integers?) must be acceptable
> for a time zone specification (pretty sure this is covered in the SQL
> spec).

But surely there is other context cuing you that the number is a
timezone?  In any case, you weren't proposing that interval_in
should accept '8' as a timezone ...
        regards, tom lane

Re: Problems with avg on interval data type

Thomas Lockhart
> > Single-field signed integers (and unsigned integers?) must be acceptable
> > for a time zone specification (pretty sure this is covered in the SQL
> > spec).
> But surely there is other context cuing you that the number is a
> timezone?  In any case, you weren't proposing that interval_in
> should accept '8' as a timezone ...

In the particular case I mentioned, any context is gone by the time the
parser gets beyond gram.y (and that is well before the constant is
evaluated). The general point is that in this case (and perhaps some
other cases) there is a need to convert an interval into a time zone, so
the specification of either or both had better be self consistant.

We do not have an explicit timezone type which could make different
assumptions about units on unadorned integers (and I'd like to avoid
defining a new type for this purpose since SQL9x seems to think that
"interval" should be enough). I'd also like to avoid *requiring* the
full brain damage of SQL9x interval specifications such as Peter
mentioned; we may support it, but should not require it since it is
truely horrid.
                      - Thomas