I think the restore process could be made more error proof if the following
additions could be made:
pg_dump, (maybe started with a special flag) if run with superuser rights
should not issue
\connect - username
create table foo (...
copy foo from ...
to create tables, but use this syntax:
create table foo(...
copy foo from ...
update pg_class set relowner=u.usesysid from pg_user u where u.usename='username' and relname='foo';
This would avoid situations where a restore becomes impossible because
password authentication is necessary. This would allow restoring without
having to set trust in pg_hba.conf. A patch would be simple, in fact I wrote
it within a few minutes.
Or am I completly wrong and there's a better way to accomplish this?
Best regards,Mario Weilguni
===================================================Mario Weilguni KPNQwest Austria GmbH
Senior Engineer Web Solutions Nikolaiplatz 4
tel: +43-316-813824 8020 graz, austria
fax: +43-316-813824-26 http://www.kpnqwest.at
e-mail: mario.weilguni@kpnqwest.com