> Does the SQL92 standard have to be purchased from the ANSI Board?
afaik, yes.
> Well, my actual question has to do with LIKE. Could anyone who has a
> copy of a standard send me the PATTERN syntax/meanings for LIKE in
> SQL92?
Well, you may be hoping for more than is in any of your reference books,
but there isn't any more to tell :)
% ==> match any (sub)string
_ ==> match any single character
everything else matches itself
In SQL92 (but not yet in Postgres; can't remember if there is a
LIKE 'pattern' ESCAPE 'char'
allows a single character "char" if it precedes the two pattern matching
characters to demote the "%" or "_" to act like a normal single
character. The Postgres regex stuff is much more powerful.
Sorry, I think that's it :(
- Tom