Thread: connection troubles

connection troubles

Julia Anne Case
In doing some work with the PostgreSQL ODBC driver today I noticed that I
was unable to connect to any of my database (how long has this been a
problem, I'm not sure).  I then tried to use psql to connect from outside
the local machine.  and I get the following errors on the server...
    ConnStartup: No Postgres username specified in startup packet.
    and the psql errors out with
    -- couldn't recieve un/salt  packet: errno=61

    With the odbc driver after I send the login info I wait for a
response and finally get a character value 205 back...

    I am afraid I've done something really silly but can't find out
where I went wrong.


[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]

Re: [HACKERS] connection troubles

Julia Anne Case
Quoting Julia Anne Case (
>     With the odbc driver after I send the login info I wait for a
> response and finally get a character value 205 back...
    I've also found if I kill my debuging process during the wait for
response from the server it often crashes the server...


BTW, this is using 6.2.1

[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]

Re: [HACKERS] connection troubles

The Hermit Hacker
On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, Julia Anne Case wrote:

> Quoting Julia Anne Case (
> >     With the odbc driver after I send the login info I wait for a
> > response and finally get a character value 205 back...
> >
>     I've also found if I kill my debuging process during the wait for
> response from the server it often crashes the server...
> Julie
> BTW, this is using 6.2.1


    Will PostODBC be v6.3 tested in the next little while?  I know
there have been *alot* of changes to v6.3 as far as authentication is
concerned, which might prove a problem once we release...

Re: [HACKERS] connection troubles

Julia Anne Case
Quoting The Hermit Hacker (
> Julie...
>     Will PostODBC be v6.3 tested in the next little while?  I know
> there have been *alot* of changes to v6.3 as far as authentication is
> concerned, which might prove a problem once we release...
    I just brought down the latest snapshot to my Sparc/Linux
machine...  I'll let you know how it works out...  Could take a little
while to compile it's just a IPX laptop...


[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]

Re: [HACKERS] connection troubles

The Hermit Hacker
On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, Julia Anne Case wrote:

> Quoting The Hermit Hacker (
> > Julie...
> >
> >     Will PostODBC be v6.3 tested in the next little while?  I know
> > there have been *alot* of changes to v6.3 as far as authentication is
> > concerned, which might prove a problem once we release...
> >
>     I just brought down the latest snapshot to my Sparc/Linux
> machine...  I'll let you know how it works out...  Could take a little
> while to compile it's just a IPX laptop...

    I don't have any knowledge of ODBC, but would it help if I setup
and maintained a (reasonably) current server that you can connect remotely
too for testing?  I'll do periodic recompile/installs of it so that it
stays up to date?  I'd like to see the ODBC as rock solid as possible
before the 1st, in accordance with v6.3 specs, and if it means doing this,
its a cheap price to pay :)

    Peter...would this help any with the JDBC stuff too, or are you
okay with that one?

Re: [HACKERS] connection troubles

Peter T Mount
On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, The Hermit Hacker wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, Julia Anne Case wrote:
>     I don't have any knowledge of ODBC, but would it help if I setup
> and maintained a (reasonably) current server that you can connect remotely
> too for testing?  I'll do periodic recompile/installs of it so that it
> stays up to date?  I'd like to see the ODBC as rock solid as possible
> before the 1st, in accordance with v6.3 specs, and if it means doing this,
> its a cheap price to pay :)
>     Peter...would this help any with the JDBC stuff too, or are you
> okay with that one?

I'm ok here, as I keep the backend relatively up to date. It may be
useful to have one though, as it would allow us to test over a long
distance, and could highlight any problems that don't show up locally.

Peter T Mount or
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