Thread: How to tune my new server

How to tune my new server

Sachin Srivastava

If my system RAM is 50 GB then how can I tune my database server without using the Thumb rule of postgresql.conf parameter like:

Shared_buffer: 25% of the RAM
temp_buffers: should be default
work_mem: AvRAM/2 * Max_connections

There is any another way or any other rule or Tool which can recommend me to tune my database.


Re: How to tune my new server

Joseph Kregloh
When tuning the last server that we built I followed the following Wiki page as to where to make adjustments then tested the tweaks using pgbench tools from Of course not every machine is built the same and not every PostgreSQL server is used the same, to tune according to the machine and the usage of the server.

-Joseph Kregloh

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 5:52 AM, Sachin Srivastava <> wrote:

If my system RAM is 50 GB then how can I tune my database server without using the Thumb rule of postgresql.conf parameter like:

Shared_buffer: 25% of the RAM
temp_buffers: should be default
work_mem: AvRAM/2 * Max_connections

There is any another way or any other rule or Tool which can recommend me to tune my database.


Re: How to tune my new server

John R Pierce
On 8/18/2015 6:33 AM, Joseph Kregloh wrote:
> Of course not every machine is built the same and not every PostgreSQL
> server is used the same, to tune according to the machine and the
> usage of the server.

indeed, your use case heavily affects the optimal decisions, there's no
one-size-fits-all answer.   are you doing OLTP, characterized by
frequent small transactions with high percentage of update events and
many clients, or is this OLAP, where you bulk load large data, then do
relatively few very large aggregate type queries for reporting purposes ?

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz