Thread: How to exclude blobs (large objects) from being loaded by pg_restore?

How to exclude blobs (large objects) from being loaded by pg_restore?

Alanoly Andrews
We have a database that has been unloaded using pg_dump. This database has a table with a field defined as lo. When restoring this database to another system, we want to avoid loading this particular table as it is very large (about 8GB of blob data) and is not needed on the target system. I tried the following:
  1. Create a list of all the tables in the pg_dump file using the l option of pg_restore
  2. Edit out the lines corresponding to the said table (with the lo column)
  3. Run the pg_restore with the L option to use the edited list of tables.
I have found that what this does is to exclude only the non-lo fields of the table. So after the load, the table itself is not visible in the target system. But the actual blob data does get loaded since they are contained in the pg_largeobject system table. This table does not occur in the listing produced in step 1 above and so cannot be edited out. Besides it is a system table and should not be excluded anyway.
Id appreciate some input on how I can get the blob data of a specific table to be excluded from a pg_restore. This is an operation that we need to do on a monthly basis. We do not want to exclude the blobs from the dump itself (since the whole database is to be preserved as a monthly record), but only from the restore.
Postgres 9.1.4 on AIX.
Alanoly Andrews.
Invera Inc.
Montreal, Canada.

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Re: How to exclude blobs (large objects) from being loaded by pg_restore?

Vincent Veyron
On Fri, 1 May 2015 14:12:08 +0000
Alanoly Andrews <> wrote:

> Hello,
> We have a database that has been unloaded using pg_dump. This database has a table with a field defined as "lo". When
restoringthis database to another system, we want to avoid loading this particular table as it is very large (about 8GB
ofblob data) and is not needed on the target system. I tried the following: 
> 1.      Create a list of all the tables in the pg_dump file using the -l option of pg_restore
> 2.      Edit out the lines corresponding to the said table (with the "lo" column)
> 3.      Run the pg_restore with the -L option to use the edited list of tables.

use the -T option of pg_dump?

-T table

Do not dump any tables matching the table pattern.

> I have found that what this does is to exclude only the non-lo fields of the table. So after the load, the table
itselfis not visible in the target system. But the actual blob data does get loaded since they are contained in the
pg_largeobjectsystem table. This table does not occur in the listing produced in step 1 above and so cannot be edited
out.Besides it is a system table and should not be excluded anyway. 
> I'd appreciate some input on how I can get the blob data of a specific table to be excluded from a pg_restore. This
isan operation that we need to do on a monthly basis. We do not want to exclude the blobs from the dump itself (since
thewhole database is to be preserved as a monthly record), but only from the restore. 
> Postgres 9.1.4 on AIX.
> Thanks.
> Alanoly Andrews.
> Invera Inc.
> Montreal, Canada.
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                    Salutations, Vincent Veyron
Legal case, contract and insurance claim management software

Re: How to exclude blobs (large objects) from being loaded by pg_restore?

Andreas Kretschmer
Vincent Veyron <> wrote:

> On Fri, 1 May 2015 14:12:08 +0000
> Alanoly Andrews <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > We have a database that has been unloaded using pg_dump. This database has a table with a field defined as "lo".
Whenrestoring this database to another system, we want to avoid loading this particular table as it is very large
(about8GB of blob data) and is not needed on the target system. I tried the following: 
> > 1.      Create a list of all the tables in the pg_dump file using the -l option of pg_restore
> > 2.      Edit out the lines corresponding to the said table (with the "lo" column)
> > 3.      Run the pg_restore with the -L option to use the edited list of tables.
> >
> use the -T option of pg_dump?

i think, this isn't a solution.

i HAVE a complete dump, but now i need a restore without the lo - data.
And - you can't create a new dump with -T for several reasons now.

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: How to exclude blobs (large objects) from being loaded by pg_restore?

Alanoly Andrews
Thanks Vincent. But as I have already mentioned, excluding tables from the dump isn't an option. I want to keep the
dumpcomplete, but exclude a table (or more) from the restore. The procedure I have outlined does work well with any
tableexcept the ones which have a "large object " column.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 2, 2015, at 9:39 AM, Vincent Veyron <> wrote:
> On Fri, 1 May 2015 14:12:08 +0000
> Alanoly Andrews <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have a database that has been unloaded using pg_dump. This database has a table with a field defined as "lo".
Whenrestoring this database to another system, we want to avoid loading this particular table as it is very large
(about8GB of blob data) and is not needed on the target system. I tried the following:
>> 1.      Create a list of all the tables in the pg_dump file using the -l option of pg_restore
>> 2.      Edit out the lines corresponding to the said table (with the "lo" column)
>> 3.      Run the pg_restore with the -L option to use the edited list of tables.
> use the -T option of pg_dump?
> -T table
> --exclude-table=table
> Do not dump any tables matching the table pattern.
>> I have found that what this does is to exclude only the non-lo fields of the table. So after the load, the table
itselfis not visible in the target system. But the actual blob data does get loaded since they are contained in the
pg_largeobjectsystem table. This table does not occur in the listing produced in step 1 above and so cannot be edited
out.Besides it is a system table and should not be excluded anyway.
>> I'd appreciate some input on how I can get the blob data of a specific table to be excluded from a pg_restore. This
isan operation that we need to do on a monthly basis. We do not want to exclude the blobs from the dump itself (since
thewhole database is to be preserved as a monthly record), but only from the restore.
>> Postgres 9.1.4 on AIX.
>> Thanks.
>> Alanoly Andrews.
>> Invera Inc.
>> Montreal, Canada.
>>  ________________________________
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> --
>                    Salutations, Vincent Veyron
> Legal case, contract and insurance claim management software


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Re: How to exclude blobs (large objects) from being loaded by pg_restore?

Melvin Davidson
I'm not exactly positive, but I believe pg_extractor has an exclude type option that might fit your requirement. You can download it here:

Also note that this is a Python program, so you might even be able to hack some change into it to do what you need.

Good luck, and may the bytes be with you.

On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Alanoly Andrews <> wrote:
Thanks Vincent. But as I have already mentioned, excluding tables from the dump isn't an option. I want to keep the dump complete, but exclude a table (or more) from the restore. The procedure I have outlined does work well with any table except the ones which have a "large object " column.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 2, 2015, at 9:39 AM, Vincent Veyron <> wrote:
> On Fri, 1 May 2015 14:12:08 +0000
> Alanoly Andrews <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have a database that has been unloaded using pg_dump. This database has a table with a field defined as "lo". When restoring this database to another system, we want to avoid loading this particular table as it is very large (about 8GB of blob data) and is not needed on the target system. I tried the following:
>> 1.      Create a list of all the tables in the pg_dump file using the -l option of pg_restore
>> 2.      Edit out the lines corresponding to the said table (with the "lo" column)
>> 3.      Run the pg_restore with the -L option to use the edited list of tables.
> use the -T option of pg_dump?
> -T table
> --exclude-table=table
> Do not dump any tables matching the table pattern.
>> I have found that what this does is to exclude only the non-lo fields of the table. So after the load, the table itself is not visible in the target system. But the actual blob data does get loaded since they are contained in the pg_largeobject system table. This table does not occur in the listing produced in step 1 above and so cannot be edited out. Besides it is a system table and should not be excluded anyway.
>> I'd appreciate some input on how I can get the blob data of a specific table to be excluded from a pg_restore. This is an operation that we need to do on a monthly basis. We do not want to exclude the blobs from the dump itself (since the whole database is to be preserved as a monthly record), but only from the restore.
>> Postgres 9.1.4 on AIX.
>> Thanks.
>> Alanoly Andrews.
>> Invera Inc.
>> Montreal, Canada.
>>  ________________________________
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> --
>                    Salutations, Vincent Veyron
> Legal case, contract and insurance claim management software


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Melvin Davidson
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Re: How to exclude blobs (large objects) from being loaded by pg_restore?

"Daniel Verite"
    Alanoly Andrews wrote:

> This table does not occur in the listing produced in step 1 above and so
> cannot be edited out

Yes, pg_largeobject is not mentioned but the TOC should have an entry named
BLOBS, as well as other entries related to each large object.

If "BLOBS" is removed or commented,  pg_restore -L from that list should not
create any large object into the destination database.

As for the table that contain the "lo" column with the references to large
objects, it can be kept or removed from the restore list, it's up to you, but
it does not determine whether blobs are restored or not.

If the table is kept, its "lo" column will have dangling references to
non-existing large objects, but it's irrelevant for pg_restore, as it doesn't
track those references. You can always update that column to NULL after the
load, or ignore it, or drop it, whatever is more convenient.

Best regards,
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