Thread: connection manager pgpool... help

connection manager pgpool... help

Emanuel Araújo
srs, need help.

I have several applications accessing my databases. My customers are divided into databases within my cluster pg905, have at least a 60/90 clients per cluster, heavy number of updates in the bank, as inserts, updates and deletes and an average 50 to 100 simultaneous connections all the time.

I plan on using a connection pool (pgpool), thinking to improve performance and have better management of the connections.

Based on my scenario, can anyone help me?

I'm using postgresql version 9.0.5

thank you


Emanuel Araújo

Linux Certified

Re: connection manager pgpool... help

John R Pierce
On 11/17/11 2:34 AM, Emanuel Araújo wrote:
> Based on my scenario, can anyone help me?

how can we help you?  you didn't ask any questions (other than the above
metaquestion, which is unanswerable)

I might note in passing...  a connection pool will only help if your
applications are written to connect to the pool, execute transaction(s),
disconnect from the pool.    This pattern is very suitable to web
applications, and interactive applications that wait for user input.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast