Thread: location for pg_default tablespace

location for pg_default tablespace

AI Rumman
I am new at Postgresql. Previously I used to work with Oracle.
I am surprised to see that the location for pg_default tablespace in my database  for a Postgresql cluster is null.
Could anyone please tell me what is the location of default tablespace in postgresql and how could I find it?

Re: location for pg_default tablespace

John R Pierce
AI Rumman wrote:
> I am new at Postgresql. Previously I used to work with Oracle.
> I am surprised to see that the location for pg_default tablespace in
> my database  for a Postgresql cluster is null.
> Could anyone please tell me what is the location of default tablespace
> in postgresql and how could I find it?

Its the $PGDATA directory.  The location of this varies widely by
operating system and postgres distribution.  For instance, the postgres
supplied with fedora and redhat linuxes tend to put this in
/var/lib/pgsql/data ...   If you build postgres from source on a
unix-like system, using full defaults, its probably /usr/local/pgsql/data

Re: location for pg_default tablespace

AI Rumman
But actually I want to know that why the value in spclocation is null is pg_tablespace for pg_default.
Moreover, $PGDATA/pg_tblspc has no file.
Could you please tell me why?

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:26 AM, John R Pierce <> wrote:
AI Rumman wrote:
I am new at Postgresql. Previously I used to work with Oracle.
I am surprised to see that the location for pg_default tablespace in my database  for a Postgresql cluster is null.
Could anyone please tell me what is the location of default tablespace in postgresql and how could I find it?

Its the $PGDATA directory.  The location of this varies widely by operating system and postgres distribution.  For instance, the postgres supplied with fedora and redhat linuxes tend to put this in /var/lib/pgsql/data ...   If you build postgres from source on a unix-like system, using full defaults, its probably /usr/local/pgsql/data

Re: location for pg_default tablespace

Greg Smith
AI Rumman wrote:
> But actually I want to know that why the value in spclocation is null
> is pg_tablespace for pg_default.
> Moreover, $PGDATA/pg_tblspc has no file.
> Could you please tell me why?

PostgreSQL ships with a blank tablespace setting, which it interprets as
meaning you want to put the database table files into the default
tablespace which is stored in $PGDATA/base

When you create a new tablespace using CREATE TABLESPACE:

Then you'll find that pg_tblspc contains a symbolic link to the new
directory you've told it to use.  At that point, you can then point all
new creation toward that location by setting default_tablespace, or put
individual bits of data onto there with the appropriate options to

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: location for pg_default tablespace

AI Rumman
I used the followings:
create tablespace mytabspc location '/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_tblspc';
create database mydb with tablespace=mytabspc;
drop database mydb;
drop tablespace mytabspc;
ERROR: tablspace 'mytabspc' is not empty
Please tell me why?

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Greg Smith <> wrote:
AI Rumman wrote:
But actually I want to know that why the value in spclocation is null is pg_tablespace for pg_default.
Moreover, $PGDATA/pg_tblspc has no file.
Could you please tell me why?

PostgreSQL ships with a blank tablespace setting, which it interprets as meaning you want to put the database table files into the default tablespace which is stored in $PGDATA/base

When you create a new tablespace using CREATE TABLESPACE:

Then you'll find that pg_tblspc contains a symbolic link to the new directory you've told it to use.  At that point, you can then point all new creation toward that location by setting default_tablespace, or put individual bits of data onto there with the appropriate options to CREATE:

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: location for pg_default tablespace

Greg Smith
AI Rumman wrote:
> I used the followings:
> create tablespace mytabspc location '/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_tblspc';
> create database mydb with tablespace=mytabspc;
> drop database mydb;
> drop tablespace mytabspc;
> ERROR: tablspace 'mytabspc' is not empty
> Please tell me why?

You don't put things in pg_tblspace yourself; that directory is for the
database to manage.  Your tablespace should be somewhere completely
outside of /var/lib/pgsql/data altogether.

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: location for pg_default tablespace

Scott Mead

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 7:17 AM, Greg Smith <> wrote:
AI Rumman wrote:
I used the followings:
 create tablespace mytabspc location '/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_tblspc';
 create database mydb with tablespace=mytabspc;
 drop database mydb;
 drop tablespace mytabspc;
ERROR: tablspace 'mytabspc' is not empty
 Please tell me why?

You don't put things in pg_tblspace yourself; that directory is for the database to manage.  Your tablespace should be somewhere completely outside of /var/lib/pgsql/data altogether.

Tablespaces in postgres are quite a bit different from Oracle.  In Oracle, you define a tablespace to be a location that uses one or more datafiles, and everything belongs in a tablespace.  

    In postgres, a tablespace is not required.  It is nothing more than a directory on some filesystem that you tell postgres about so that you can store relations in it.  If you don't define a tablespace in postgres, all of your relations are going to be located in /var/lib/pgsql/base.

    That's the difference, you don't NEED a tablespace like Oracle, you'll only use them in postgres when you're trying to store data in postgres on a different mountpoint.

 Hope this helps.
