Thread: Arrays and LIKE

Arrays and LIKE

Done a bit of hunting and can't seem to find an answer as to if this sort of thing is possible:

SELECT * FROM mail WHERE recipients ILIKE 'david%';

Where recipients is a VARCHAR(128)[]

The above doesn't work but thats the sort of thing I want to do...
If this is possible and can use an index as well that would be wonderful...


Re: Arrays and LIKE

Andreas Kretschmer
David <> wrote:

> Done a bit of hunting and can't seem to find an answer as to if this sort of thing is possible:
> SELECT * FROM mail WHERE recipients ILIKE 'david%';
> Where recipients is a VARCHAR(128)[]
> The above doesn't work but thats the sort of thing I want to do...
> If this is possible and can use an index as well that would be wonderful...

test=*# \d foo
    Tabelle »«
 Spalte |  Typ   | Attribute
 t      | text[] |

test=*# select * from foo;
(2 Zeilen)

Zeit: 0,393 ms
test=*# select * from ( select t, generate_subscripts(t, 1) AS s from foo) bla where t[s] ~ '^xy.*';
        t        | s
 {xyz,bla,fasel} | 1
(1 Zeile)


But i don't know how to create an index for that...

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: Arrays and LIKE

Jasen Betts
On 2009-08-08, David <> wrote:
> Done a bit of hunting and can't seem to find an answer as to if this sort of thing is possible:
> SELECT * FROM mail WHERE recipients ILIKE 'david%';
> Where recipients is a VARCHAR(128)[]
> The above doesn't work but thats the sort of thing I want to do...
> If this is possible and can use an index as well that would be wonderful...

hmm tricky: you can't use any(recipients) ilike 'david%'

Re: Arrays and LIKE

Sam Mason
On Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 05:04:29PM +0930, David wrote:
> Done a bit of hunting and can't seem to find an answer as to if this
> sort of thing is possible:
> SELECT * FROM mail WHERE recipients ILIKE 'david%';
> Where recipients is a VARCHAR(128)[]

It's a bit of a fiddle:

  CREATE FUNCTION flipilike(text,text)
      AS $$ SELECT $2 ILIKE $1; $$;
    leftarg  = text,
    rightarg = text,
    procedure = flipilike

PG now understands:

  SELECT 'x%' ~~~ 'fred';

To be the same as:

  SELECT 'fred' ILIKE 'x%';

So you can solve your original problem as:

  SELECT * FROM mail WHERE 'david%' ~~~ ANY(recipients);

> The above doesn't work but thats the sort of thing I want to do...
> If this is possible and can use an index as well that would be wonderful...

No idea about that, but I'd look to a GIN index to start with.  I think
you really want to stop using arrays and do it "properly" with a

  CREATE TABLE mailaddrs (
    msgid TEXT REFERENCES mail,
    ord INTEGER,
      PRIMARY KEY (msgid, ord),
    type TEXT CHECK (type IN ('to','from','cc','bcc')),
    address TEXT
  CREATE INDEX mailaddrs_address_idx ON mailaddrs (address);

then you can do:

  FROM mailaddrs
  WHERE address ILIKE 'david%';

and it should do the right thing.  Not sure if you have this
flexibility though.


Re: Arrays and LIKE

Thanks all normally I would have gone with a linked table but since support for arrays has improved in pg lately I
thoughtI would give them a go again but I guess they are still not ready for what I want. 

I did think of another solution overnight though that still uses arrays but also a subtable. where I add address to a
anothertable with a id sequence and then store the seqid in the array then I could do  
the like on the subtable returning ids and use the array of ids it returns to compare to the recipient ids in the array
(thisshould use a GIN index as overlapping arrays is listed on the page This has the added bonus that I can store stats
abouteach email address seen with them. (Haven't tried it yet next on the list to do) 

On Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 02:10:18PM +0100, Sam Mason wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 05:04:29PM +0930, David wrote:
> > Done a bit of hunting and can't seem to find an answer as to if this
> > sort of thing is possible:
> >
> > SELECT * FROM mail WHERE recipients ILIKE 'david%';
> >
> > Where recipients is a VARCHAR(128)[]
> It's a bit of a fiddle:
>   CREATE FUNCTION flipilike(text,text)
>       AS $$ SELECT $2 ILIKE $1; $$;
>     leftarg  = text,
>     rightarg = text,
>     procedure = flipilike
>   );
> PG now understands:
>   SELECT 'x%' ~~~ 'fred';
> To be the same as:
>   SELECT 'fred' ILIKE 'x%';
> So you can solve your original problem as:
>   SELECT * FROM mail WHERE 'david%' ~~~ ANY(recipients);
> > The above doesn't work but thats the sort of thing I want to do...
> > If this is possible and can use an index as well that would be wonderful...
> No idea about that, but I'd look to a GIN index to start with.  I think
> you really want to stop using arrays and do it "properly" with a
> relation:
>   CREATE TABLE mailaddrs (
>     msgid TEXT REFERENCES mail,
>     ord INTEGER,
>       PRIMARY KEY (msgid, ord),
>     type TEXT CHECK (type IN ('to','from','cc','bcc')),
>     address TEXT
>   );
>   CREATE INDEX mailaddrs_address_idx ON mailaddrs (address);
> then you can do:
>   FROM mailaddrs
>   WHERE address ILIKE 'david%';
> and it should do the right thing.  Not sure if you have this
> flexibility though.
> --
>   Sam
> --
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