Thread: pg_dump SERIAL and SEQUENCE


Laurent ROCHE

I have a problem with pg_dump generating a code with no SERIALs id but with SEQUENCEs instead: if I write in a SERIAL I want to see a SERIAL, even when I reload the database.
We had this conversation before on this mailing list and I was told that's because SERIAL is just a kind of macro generating the same thing as the equivalent code translated using SEQUENCE.

This is not true however, if I create tab_a like this:
cola1 SERIAL
and tab_b like this (whic is what pg_dump will do)
CREATE SEQUENCE tab_b_colb1_seq;
colb1 integer DEFAULT nextval('tab_b_colb1_seq') NOT NULL

Then when I drop tab_b, the SEQUENCE tab_b_colb1_seq is not dropped, however when I drop tab_a,  the SEQUENCE tab_a_cola1_seq is dropped too !
I am using PG 8.1 and ALTER SEQUENCE ...   OWNED BY  does not exist ! ! !

The Computing Froggy

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Re: pg_dump SERIAL and SEQUENCE

Andreas Kretschmer
Laurent ROCHE <> schrieb:
> Then when I drop tab_b, the SEQUENCE tab_b_colb1_seq is not dropped, however
> when I drop tab_a,  the SEQUENCE tab_a_cola1_seq is dropped too !
> I am using PG 8.1 and ALTER SEQUENCE ...   OWNED BY  does not exist ! ! !

Read this message: <>

,----[  quote Tom Lane  ]
| In 8.2 and up you can use ALTER SEQUENCE ... OWNED BY ... to establish

You see the difference?

Regards, Andreas
Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."    (unknow)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: pg_dump SERIAL and SEQUENCE

Erik Jones
On Oct 18, 2007, at 1:02 PM, Andreas Kretschmer wrote:

> Laurent ROCHE <> schrieb:
>> Then when I drop tab_b, the SEQUENCE tab_b_colb1_seq is not
>> dropped, however
>> when I drop tab_a,  the SEQUENCE tab_a_cola1_seq is dropped too !
>> I am using PG 8.1 and ALTER SEQUENCE ...   OWNED BY  does not
>> exist ! ! !
> Read this message: <>
> ,----[  quote Tom Lane  ]
> | In 8.2 and up you can use ALTER SEQUENCE ... OWNED BY ... to
> establish
> `----
> You see the difference?
> Regards, Andreas

Andreas's point is that the OWNED BY clause was added in 8.2 to fix
your issue and it is policy to not change functionality of older
releases unless it is to fix an actual, proven error.  Basically, if
your sequence isn't owned by any particular table then it is
considered an independent relation and you need to manage it's being
dump/restored on its own just like with any other independent relation.

Erik Jones

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