Thread: odbc with encrypted ssl key?

odbc with encrypted ssl key?


is there a way to have MS-Access use ODBC and still use a passphrase
encrypted private-key?

Right now ODBC works with unencrypted key.

For security reasons I'd rather have my private key stored encrypted.
I suppose to do this Access had to tell the odbc driver the passphrase
so that it can decrypt the key.

Until now I just found 2 connection string parameters "ssl" and
"sslmode" but nothing resembling ssl-passphrase.


Re: odbc with encrypted ssl key?

Andrei Kovalevski

    You may try This
PostgreSQL ODBC driver's connection string can contain parameters you need:
        SSL_CERTIFICATE=[string] - path to SSL certificate file
        SSL_PRIVATE_KEY=[string] - your SSL private key
        SSL_PASSPHRASE=[string] - your SSL password phrase

    You can either use these parameters in connection string or
configure DSN.


Andreas wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a way to have MS-Access use ODBC and still use a passphrase
> encrypted private-key?
> Right now ODBC works with unencrypted key.
> For security reasons I'd rather have my private key stored encrypted.
> I suppose to do this Access had to tell the odbc driver the passphrase
> so that it can decrypt the key.
> Until now I just found 2 connection string parameters "ssl" and
> "sslmode" but nothing resembling ssl-passphrase.
> Regards
> A.
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