Thread: Encoding problem

Encoding problem

Pantelis Natsiavas
    I am really new to PostgreSQL and I seem to have an encoding problem. I come from Greece and I would like to make queries using greek characters too. I chose to write my database using encoding UTF8 and everything worked just fine creating it, until I tried to make a query using greek characters. I created the whole database using pgadmin, and I entered greek characters simply through it.
    I tried to make the query through JDBC but this was impossible, receiving a message saying :
                          relation "??????????" does not exist
where the relation's name is in greek characters. Despite fact that the relation is normally created, named and filled using greek characters, I could not make the query.
    In addition trying to make the same query through the query tool of pgadmin, I receive the same answer and of course null results. I don't know if it matters, but I am using Windows XP and PostgreSQL 8.1 with JDBC 3. I have checked everything that has to do with the java part of encoding and I cannot find anything wrong. The fact that I could not make the query through the pgadmin query tool, shows that the problem lays at the PostgreSQL part.
    What could I do? Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance,
Natsiavas Pantelis

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Re: Encoding problem

John DeSoi
On Aug 30, 2006, at 6:29 AM, Pantelis Natsiavas wrote:

>  In addition trying to make the same query through the query tool
> of pgadmin, I receive the same answer and of course null results. I
> don't know if it matters, but I am using Windows XP and PostgreSQL
> 8.1 with JDBC 3. I have checked everything that has to do with the
> java part of encoding and I cannot find anything wrong. The fact
> that I could not make the query through the pgadmin query tool,
> shows that the problem lays at the PostgreSQL part.
>     What could I do? Can anyone help me?

A few issues to check:

1. pgadmin will double quote table names that have special
characters, mixed case, or reserved words. So double check the exact
table name and perhaps try double quoting it in your query.

2. Be sure your table's schema is on the search_path.

3. Double check the value of client_encoding.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL