Thread: SQL query question

SQL query question

Kevin Jenkins

First I want to say thanks for writing PostgreSQL.  It's nice to have
a free alternative.

I have a beginner question.  I have a table with a bunch of filenames
and each of them have a date.  Multiple files may have the same name.
  For example

filename date     revision
file1    10/05/06 1
file1    10/05/07 2
file2    10/05/08 1

I want to do a query that will return the greatest date for each
unique filename

So the result would be
filename date     revision
file1    10/05/07 2
file2    10/05/08 1

The best I can figure out is how to get the biggest date for a
particular named file:

SELECT * from FileVersionHistory WHERE modificationDate = (SELECT
max(modificationDate) FROM FileVersionHistory WHERE filename='File1');

The best I can accomplish is to run the query once for each file in a
loop in C++ code.  But that's inefficient.  I don't want to name the
files in the query.

I want one query that gives me the final result.


In case you need it, here's the table setup

const char *command =
"CREATE TABLE Applications ("
"applicationKey serial PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE,"
"applicationName text NOT NULL UNIQUE,"
"installPath text NOT NULL,"
"changeSetID integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
"userName text NOT NULL"
"CREATE TABLE FileVersionHistory ("
"applicationKey integer REFERENCES Applications ON DELETE CASCADE,"
"filename text NOT NULL,"
"content bytea,"
"contentHash bytea,"
"patch bytea,"
"createFile boolean NOT NULL,"
"modificationDate timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT LOCALTIMESTAMP,"
"lastSentDate timestamp,"
"timesSent integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
"changeSetID integer NOT NULL,"
"userName text NOT NULL,"
"CONSTRAINT file_has_data CHECK ( createFile=FALSE OR ((content IS NOT
NULL) AND (contentHash IS NOT NULL) AND (patch IS NOT NULL)) )"

Add an application and file

-- Insert application
INSERT INTO Applications (applicationName, installPath, userName)
VALUES ('Game1', 'C:/', 'Kevin Jenkins');

-- Insert file (I would do this multiple times, once per file)
INSERT INTO FileVersionHistory (applicationKey, filename, createFile,
changeSetID, userName)
'Kevin Jenkins'

Re: SQL query question

Michael Glaesemann
On Jun 18, 2006, at 8:50 , Kevin Jenkins wrote:

> I have a beginner question.  I have a table with a bunch of
> filenames and each of them have a date.  Multiple files may have
> the same name.  For example
> filename date     revision
> file1    10/05/06 1
> file1    10/05/07 2
> file2    10/05/08 1
> I want to do a query that will return the greatest date for each
> unique filename

I can think of two ways to do this (and there are probably more): one
using standard SQL and one using PostgreSQL extensions. Here's the
standard SQL way:

SELECT filename, date, revision
FROM table_with_bunch_of_filenames
     SELECT filename, max(date) as date
     FROM table_with_bunch_of_filenames
     GROUP BY filename
    ) AS most_recent_dates;

If you don't need the revision, you can just use the subquery-- the
stuff in the
parentheses after NATURAL JOIN.

And here's the way using DISTINCT ON, which is a PostgreSQL extension.

SELECT DISTINCT ON (filename, date)
     filename, date, revision
FROM table_with_bunch_of_filenames
ORDER BY filename, date desc;

Hope this helps.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

Re: SQL query question

Bruno Wolff III
On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 16:50:59 -0700,
  Kevin Jenkins <> wrote:
>  For example
> filename date     revision
> file1    10/05/06 1
> file1    10/05/07 2
> file2    10/05/08 1
> I want to do a query that will return the greatest date for each
> unique filename

If the revisions for a filename are guarenteed to be ordered by date, then
another alternative for you would be:

SELECT filename, max(modificationDate), max(revision)
  FROM FileVersionHistory
  GROUP BY filename

Tips for storing files in the database

Kevin Jenkins
Is there a way to send and read binary data directly from memory,
without escaping characters, for SELECT and INSERT queries?

This is for a file repository, such as in source control.

I saw in the manual the section on bytea and binary data, but I don't
want to go through hundreds of megabytes of data escaping to send a
query nor unescaping to get the file back.

All the files I'm adding are already loaded in memory with some binary
modifications.  I'm aware of the large object type, but this requires
that I write to disk first, which I hope isn't necessary.

Re: Tips for storing files in the database

Tom Lane
Kevin Jenkins <> writes:
> Is there a way to send and read binary data directly from memory,
> without escaping characters, for SELECT and INSERT queries?

See PQexecParams --- an out-of-line bytea parameter, transmitted in
binary format, seems to be what you want on the send side.  For
reading, just ask for the result in binary format.

            regards, tom lane

Re: SQL query question

"Gurjeet Singh"
    Another way is to use correlated-subqueries (refrencing outer
query's columns inside a subquery; hope this feature is supported):

select  *
from    FileVersionHistory H1
where   modificationDate = ( select  max(modificationDate)
                             from    FileVersionHistory H2
                             where   H2.filename = H1.filename

    And if you suspect that some different versions of a file might
have same Date, then you should add DISTINCT to 'select *', else
you'll get duplicates in the result.


On 6/18/06, Bruno Wolff III <> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 16:50:59 -0700,
>   Kevin Jenkins <> wrote:
> >  For example
> >
> > filename date     revision
> > file1    10/05/06 1
> > file1    10/05/07 2
> > file2    10/05/08 1
> >
> > I want to do a query that will return the greatest date for each
> > unique filename
> If the revisions for a filename are guarenteed to be ordered by date, then
> another alternative for you would be:
> SELECT filename, max(modificationDate), max(revision)
>   FROM FileVersionHistory
>   GROUP BY filename
> ;
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

John Tregea
Greeting again,

I am writing records to postgreSQL from an IDE called revolution. At the
time I perform the INSERT command I need to retrieve the value of the
serial_id column from the newly created row.

Is it possible to have a specified column value returned after the
INSERT (rather than the number of rows affected) ?

That would save me doing a SELECT select statement after every INSERT.

Please excuse the terminology if it is not SQL'esque, but I hope you
know what I am getting at.

Thanks in advance

John Tregea

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

John Tregea
Sorry, I just realised this should have gone to the SQL list... (Bloody
Newbie's) :-[

John Tregea wrote:
> Greeting again,
> I am writing records to postgreSQL from an IDE called revolution. At
> the time I perform the INSERT command I need to retrieve the value of
> the serial_id column from the newly created row.
> Is it possible to have a specified column value returned after the
> INSERT (rather than the number of rows affected) ?
> That would save me doing a SELECT select statement after every INSERT.
> Please excuse the terminology if it is not SQL'esque, but I hope you
> know what I am getting at.
> Thanks in advance
> John Tregea

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Tim Allen
John Tregea wrote:
> Greeting again,
> I am writing records to postgreSQL from an IDE called revolution. At the
> time I perform the INSERT command I need to retrieve the value of the
> serial_id column from the newly created row.
> Is it possible to have a specified column value returned after the
> INSERT (rather than the number of rows affected) ?
> That would save me doing a SELECT select statement after every INSERT.
> Please excuse the terminology if it is not SQL'esque, but I hope you
> know what I am getting at.
> Thanks in advance
> John Tregea

It's not supported now, however it has been discussed several times, and
there is a TODO entry for it at

using syntax along the lines of INSERT ... RETURNING ...

Search for the word "returning" in the todo list and you'll find the
entry. Your options include waiting for someone to make it happen (no
telling how long that will be), or helping to make it happen (for which
we would all thank you :-) ). In the meantime you'll have to work around
it, as you suggested.


Tim Allen
Proximity Pty Ltd

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

John Tregea
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the advice, it saves me continuing to dig in the help files
and my reference books any longer. I don't know how much help I could be
in adding features but I am glad to participate in any way I can in the
community. I will follow your link to the TODO pages.

Thanks again.



Tim Allen wrote:
> John Tregea wrote:
>> Greeting again,
>> I am writing records to postgreSQL from an IDE called revolution. At
>> the time I perform the INSERT command I need to retrieve the value of
>> the serial_id column from the newly created row.
>> Is it possible to have a specified column value returned after the
>> INSERT (rather than the number of rows affected) ?
>> That would save me doing a SELECT select statement after every INSERT.
>> Please excuse the terminology if it is not SQL'esque, but I hope you
>> know what I am getting at.
>> Thanks in advance
>> John Tregea
> It's not supported now, however it has been discussed several times,
> and there is a TODO entry for it at
> using syntax along the lines of INSERT ... RETURNING ...
> Search for the word "returning" in the todo list and you'll find the
> entry. Your options include waiting for someone to make it happen (no
> telling how long that will be), or helping to make it happen (for
> which we would all thank you :-) ). In the meantime you'll have to
> work around it, as you suggested.
> Tim

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Kenneth Downs
John Tregea wrote:

> Greeting again,
> I am writing records to postgreSQL from an IDE called revolution. At
> the time I perform the INSERT command I need to retrieve the value of
> the serial_id column from the newly created row.

We have an after-insert trigger that raises it as a notice.  NOTICE


Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Kenneth Downs
Tim Allen wrote:

> using syntax along the lines of INSERT ... RETURNING ...
SQL Server had a nifty feature here.  You could simply toss a SELECT
statement at the end of a trigger of sproc and the results would be

This in effect made a table the potential return type of all commands,
which could be exploited very powerfully.

Do the hackers have any thoughts along those lines?


Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Scott Ribe
> SQL Server had a nifty feature here.  You could simply toss a SELECT
> statement at the end of a trigger of sproc and the results would be
> returned.
> This in effect made a table the potential return type of all commands,
> which could be exploited very powerfully.
> Do the hackers have any thoughts along those lines?

It's also a "for instance" where inline creation of variables is useful. As

 select id1 = nextval(somesequence)
 insert into tbl (id...) values (id1...)
 select id2 = nextval(somesequence)
 insert into tbl (id...) values (id2...)
 select id3 = nextval(somesequence)
 insert into tbl (id...) values (id3...)
 select id1, id2, id3;

Or returning multiple result sets...

 insert into tbl (id...) values (nextval(somesequence)...) returning;
 insert into tbl (id...) values (nextval(somesequence)...) returning;
 insert into tbl (id...) values (nextval(somesequence)...) returning;

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

John Tregea
Scott, Ken and Tim,

Thanks for the assistance, I appreciate the advice.


The example of

select id1 = nextval(somesequence)

could work for me. I have multiple users with our GUI and imagine I
could use transaction protection to ensure no duplicates between
selecting and incrementing the somesequence...

Thanks again all.



Scott Ribe wrote:
>> SQL Server had a nifty feature here.  You could simply toss a SELECT
>> statement at the end of a trigger of sproc and the results would be
>> returned.
>> This in effect made a table the potential return type of all commands,
>> which could be exploited very powerfully.
>> Do the hackers have any thoughts along those lines?
> It's also a "for instance" where inline creation of variables is useful. As
> in:
>  select id1 = nextval(somesequence)
>  insert into tbl (id...) values (id1...)
>  select id2 = nextval(somesequence)
>  insert into tbl (id...) values (id2...)
>  select id3 = nextval(somesequence)
>  insert into tbl (id...) values (id3...)
>  select id1, id2, id3;
> Or returning multiple result sets...
>  insert into tbl (id...) values (nextval(somesequence)...) returning;
>  insert into tbl (id...) values (nextval(somesequence)...) returning;
>  insert into tbl (id...) values (nextval(somesequence)...) returning;

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Alban Hertroys
John Tregea wrote:
> The example of
> select id1 = nextval(somesequence)
> could work for me. I have multiple users with our GUI and imagine I
> could use transaction protection to ensure no duplicates between
> selecting and incrementing the somesequence...

You won't have duplicates[1], it's a sequence. It's its purpose.

Now I may have missed something, I didn't follow this thread.

[1] Unless you manage to make it wrap around after 2^32 (or 2^64?) calls
of nextval. But that's quite unlikely.
Alban Hertroys

magproductions b.v.

T: ++31(0)534346874
F: ++31(0)534346876
A: Postbus 416
    7500 AK Enschede

// Integrate Your World //

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 11:31:32AM +0200, Alban Hertroys wrote:
> [1] Unless you manage to make it wrap around after 2^32 (or 2^64?) calls
> of nextval. But that's quite unlikely.

Even then, only if have wrapping enabled. With wrapping disabled,
nextval() will simply fail rather than return a value already returned.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.


Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Scott Ribe
> You won't have duplicates[1], it's a sequence. It's its purpose.
> Now I may have missed something, I didn't follow this thread.

Yes, what you quoted was more the intro. The actual question was how to find
out what ids were generated during a sequence of insertions.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

Alban Hertroys
Scott Ribe wrote:
>>You won't have duplicates[1], it's a sequence. It's its purpose.
>>Now I may have missed something, I didn't follow this thread.
> Yes, what you quoted was more the intro. The actual question was how to find
> out what ids were generated during a sequence of insertions.

That's where you use currval ;)

Alban Hertroys

magproductions b.v.

T: ++31(0)534346874
F: ++31(0)534346876
A: Postbus 416
    7500 AK Enschede

// Integrate Your World //

Re: Return the primary key of a newly inserted row?

John Tregea
Hi all,

Thanks for the continued suggestions on this question. I will reply
again once it is implemented and working.

Kind regards


Alban Hertroys wrote:
> Scott Ribe wrote:
>>> You won't have duplicates[1], it's a sequence. It's its purpose.
>>> Now I may have missed something, I didn't follow this thread.
>> Yes, what you quoted was more the intro. The actual question was how
>> to find
>> out what ids were generated during a sequence of insertions.
> That's where you use currval ;)