Thread: pg_restore --disable-triggers does not stop triggers

pg_restore --disable-triggers does not stop triggers


8.0.1 and 8.1 beta.

Triggers are still fired although option --disable-triggers is applied
to pg_restore. The fired triggers abort pg_restore because of the
foreign keys violations.

The following restore script used to be working but it suddently
doesn't. I don't remember I ever changed this script since it had

#Backup command:

#Restore commands:
pg_restore -l db1 >list
createdb -E UNICODE db1
pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -s db1 >log-schema 2>&1
pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -a --disable-triggers db1 >log-data

Any idea will be much appreciated.



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Re: pg_restore --disable-triggers does not stop triggers

"A. Kretschmer"
am  06.10.2005, um 22:33:52 +0800 mailte CN folgendes:
> Hi!
> 8.0.1 and 8.1 beta.
> Triggers are still fired although option --disable-triggers is applied
> to pg_restore. The fired triggers abort pg_restore because of the
> foreign keys violations.
> The following restore script used to be working but it suddently
> doesn't. I don't remember I ever changed this script since it had
> worked.
> #Backup command:
> #PGCLIENTENCODING=UNICODE pg_dump -Fc db1 > db1
> #
> #Restore commands:
> pg_restore -l db1 >list
> createdb -E UNICODE db1
> pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -s db1 >log-schema 2>&1
> pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -a --disable-triggers db1 >log-data

You are DB-Superuser?

    Presently,  the commands emitted for --disable-triggers must
    be done as superuser. So, you should also  specify  a  supe-
    ruser  name with -S, or preferably run pg_restore as a Post-
    greSQL superuser.

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer    (Kontakt: siehe Header)
Heynitz:  035242/47212,      D1: 0160/7141639
GnuPG-ID 0x3FFF606C
 ===    Schollglas Unternehmensgruppe    ===

Re: pg_restore --disable-triggers does not stop triggers

Thank you for the reply!

> > Triggers are still fired although option --disable-triggers is applied
> > to pg_restore. The fired triggers abort pg_restore because of the
> > foreign keys violations.
> > pg_restore -l db1 >list
> > createdb -E UNICODE db1
> > pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -s db1 >log-schema 2>&1
> > pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -a --disable-triggers db1 >log-data
> You are DB-Superuser?
>     Presently,  the commands emitted for --disable-triggers must
>     be done as superuser. So, you should also  specify  a  supe-
>     ruser  name with -S, or preferably run pg_restore as a Post-
>     greSQL superuser.

I am using PostgreSQL superuser doing this.

I notice that PostgreSQL does disable triggers but it seems to not
disable CHECK constraint:

c1 VARCHAR(20),
c2 VARCHAR(20),
c3 "char" NOT NULL

pg_restore: disabling triggers
pg_restore: restoring data for table "table2"
pg_restore: enabling triggers
pg_restore: disabling triggers
pg_restore: restoring data for table "table1"
pg_restore: ERROR:  <Exception raised by VerifyFunc()>
CONTEXT:  COPY table1, line 1: "100000 q1 X"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by PQendcopy
pg_restore: *** aborted because of error

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Re: pg_restore --disable-triggers does not stop triggers

Tom Lane
"CN" <> writes:
> I notice that PostgreSQL does disable triggers but it seems to not
> disable CHECK constraint:

Why should it?

(Hint: a check constraint that looks at anything but the row being
checked is broken by definition.)

            regards, tom lane

Re: pg_restore --disable-triggers does not stop triggers


Thank you very much for the enlightenment again!

> > I notice that PostgreSQL does disable triggers but it seems to not
> > disable CHECK constraint:
> Why should it?
> (Hint: a check constraint that looks at anything but the row being
> checked is broken by definition.)

Maybe my case is rare in the real world, but this is my problem:

I use CHECK(MyFunc(column_1,column_2)) because foreign key constraint is
insufficient to do the complicate check for that table. Such design
works well for production run but problem happens during database
restore. It happens because MyFunc() raises exception as the data of
this table with CHECK constraint is being restored before the data of
the table(s) referenced by MyFunc().

Is it a wise request for one more option to be added to pg_restore to
disable CHECK constraint?

Best Regards,


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