am 06.10.2005, um 22:33:52 +0800 mailte CN folgendes:
> Hi!
> 8.0.1 and 8.1 beta.
> Triggers are still fired although option --disable-triggers is applied
> to pg_restore. The fired triggers abort pg_restore because of the
> foreign keys violations.
> The following restore script used to be working but it suddently
> doesn't. I don't remember I ever changed this script since it had
> worked.
> #Backup command:
> #PGCLIENTENCODING=UNICODE pg_dump -Fc db1 > db1
> #
> #Restore commands:
> pg_restore -l db1 >list
> createdb -E UNICODE db1
> pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -s db1 >log-schema 2>&1
> pg_restore -F c -L list -v -d db1 -a --disable-triggers db1 >log-data
You are DB-Superuser?
Presently, the commands emitted for --disable-triggers must
be done as superuser. So, you should also specify a supe-
ruser name with -S, or preferably run pg_restore as a Post-
greSQL superuser.
Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer (Kontakt: siehe Header)
Heynitz: 035242/47212, D1: 0160/7141639
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