Thread: problem with pg_restore and user privileges

problem with pg_restore and user privileges

"Stefano Bonnin"
Hi, I'm a Postgis user, and I have a problem restoring data from 7.4 to 8.0.0beta2.
I use the script that comes with postgis distribution.
I do the following for the dump:
pg_dump -Fc mydb >mydb.sql
and the script does the following restore operations:
... some commands ...
open( PSQL, "| ./psql -a dbname") || die "Can't run psql\n";
... pg_restore -l mydb.sql >dump.list
... some commands ..
something like:
.. pg_restore -L dump.list mydb.sql
... some commands ..
It seems to work except for the user privileges. At the end, no user privileges are restored in the new database
My doubt is the following:
pg_restore -l mydb.sql >dump.list
dump the privileges information in the dump.list file or not?
some hints?