Hi, I'm a Postgis user, and I have a problem restoring data from 7.4 to 8.0.0beta2.
I use the postgis_restore.pl script that comes with postgis distribution.
I do the following for the dump:
pg_dump -Fc mydb >mydb.sql
and the script does the following restore operations:
... some commands ...
open( PSQL, "| ./psql -a dbname") || die "Can't run psql\n";
... pg_restore -l mydb.sql >dump.list
... some commands ..
something like:
.. pg_restore -L dump.list mydb.sql
It seems to work except for the user privileges. At the end, no user privileges are restored in the new database
My doubt is the following:
pg_restore -l mydb.sql >dump.list
dump the privileges information in the dump.list file or not?
some hints?