Thread: mod_auth_pgsql & encryption

mod_auth_pgsql & encryption

Molly Gibson
Hi all,
I have recently installed Apache/1.3.28 +

The only way I have been able to get it to
successfully authenticate against my postgres (7.3.4)
database is to turn Auth_PG_encrypted off & have
encryption turned off in postgresql.conf.  I am really
uncomfortable with the idea of having unencrypted user
passwords laying about, but if I try to use an
encrypted password from the database, I get 'password

I have tried:
- setting Auth_PG_pwd_table to pg_shadow,
Auth_PG_encrypted to "on";  results in "password
mismatch" error
- setting Auth_PG_pwd_table to user_auth (table I
created--docs were not clear on wether you could use
an existing table such as pg_shadow),
Auth_PG_encrypted to "on", user passwords c&pd from
pg_shadow; results in "password mismatch"
- setting Auth_PG_pwd_table to user_auth,
Auth_PG_encrypted to "on", user passwords c&pd from a
separate md5 hash program; results in "password
- setting Auth_PG_pwd_table to user_auth,
Auth_PG_encrypted to "off", user passwords set in
plain text; works
- setting Auth_PG_nopasswd to "on", give user a blank
password; works
- (for verification) setting Auth_PG_pwd_table back to
pg_shadow, turn encryption off in postgresql.conf, set
user password to plain text, Auth_PG_encrypted to
"off"; works

I would really like to use the existing tables
(pg_shadow, pg_group) instead of maintaining a
separate set of tables for user logins & group
assignments, assuming I get the encryption part
figured out.
Anybody have any ideas how I could go about resolving
this or troubleshooting it further?  It seems to me
there is a difference between postgres's encryption
and mod_auth_pgsql's encryption.  Google turned up
only a few people who'd had the same problem (no
answers to it) and people who said they'd been using
mod_auth_pgsql for a while with no problems. ???


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Re: mod_auth_pgsql & encryption

Kris Jurka

On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Molly Gibson wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have recently installed Apache/1.3.28 +
> mod_auth_pgsql-0.9.12
> (
> The only way I have been able to get it to
> successfully authenticate against my postgres (7.3.4)
> database is to turn Auth_PG_encrypted off & have
> encryption turned off in postgresql.conf.  I am really
> uncomfortable with the idea of having unencrypted user
> passwords laying about, but if I try to use an
> encrypted password from the database, I get 'password
> mismatch'.

I'm personally using mod_auth_pgsql against a user table with encrypted
passwords.  To properly encrypt them I am using the contrib pgcrypto
module and something like

UPDATE myusertable
SET passwd = crypt('password', gen_salt('md5'))
WHERE userid = 1;

I don't believe you can use pg_shadow to authenticate against, but some
things to look at are:

- verify that the passwords are encrypted in pg_shadow.
- try changing the value of Auth_PG_hash_type to md5

Kris Jurka

Re: mod_auth_pgsql & encryption

Holger Marzen
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Molly Gibson wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have recently installed Apache/1.3.28 +
> mod_auth_pgsql-0.9.12
> (
> The only way I have been able to get it to
> successfully authenticate against my postgres (7.3.4)
> database is to turn Auth_PG_encrypted off & have
> encryption turned off in postgresql.conf.  I am really
> uncomfortable with the idea of having unencrypted user
> passwords laying about, but if I try to use an
> encrypted password from the database, I get 'password
> mismatch'.
> I would really like to use the existing tables
> (pg_shadow, pg_group) instead of maintaining a
> separate set of tables for user logins & group
> assignments, assuming I get the encryption part
> figured out.
> Anybody have any ideas how I could go about resolving
> this or troubleshooting it further?  It seems to me
> there is a difference between postgres's encryption
> and mod_auth_pgsql's encryption.  Google turned up
> only a few people who'd had the same problem (no
> answers to it) and people who said they'd been using
> mod_auth_pgsql for a while with no problems. ???

I can't help you with your problem if you insist in using PostgreSQL's
system tables.

I never thought of that because I always wrote a PHP-page where a
administrator could create/delete/lock users. And I don't like the idea
that such a program needs admin privileges on the PostgreSQL side.

I always use 2 tables and a function, that automatically adds a default
group to a newly created user. You see that I use

     encode(digest('mypassword', 'md5'), 'hex')

to create an encrypted password that mod_auth_pgsql accepts.

And I modified mod_auth_pgsql to write always a record to a log table,
even if the login fails. Then I added a trigger that increases the
"failed" column and that way I can limit the number of attempts. My
.htaccess looks like that:


AuthName "bluebell"
AuthType Basic
deny from all
allow from 10.66.53
allow from
satisfy any
require group intern
Auth_PG_host localhost
Auth_PG_port 5432
Auth_PG_user www
Auth_PG_pwd secret
Auth_PG_database db1
Auth_PG_encrypted on
Auth_PG_hash_type MD5
Auth_PG_pwd_table apache_users
Auth_PG_uid_field userid
Auth_PG_pwd_field password
Auth_PG_pwd_whereclause " and failed < (select max_failed from apache_parms) "
Auth_PG_grp_table apache_groups
Auth_PG_gid_field groupid
Auth_PG_grp_whereclause " and active = TRUE "
Auth_PG_log_table apache_log
Auth_PG_log_uname_field userid
Auth_PG_log_date_field timestamp
Auth_PG_log_uri_field uri
Auth_PG_log_addrs_field ip
Auth_PG_log_pwd_field password


And the changed part of mod_auth_pgsql.c is only the added line
no. 747. Yes, it could be made faster if someone redesigned the
whole module, so we wouldn't need a trigger and simply increase
the error counter instead. But that would require more changes
on the module.


    736         /* if the flag is off however, keep that kind of stuff at
    737          * an arms length.
    738          */
    739         if ((!strlen (real_pw)) || (!strlen (sent_pw)))
    740           {
    741                   snprintf (pg_errstr, MAX_STRING_LEN,
    742                                         "PG: user %s: Empty Password(s) Rejected", c->user);
    743                   ap_log_reason (pg_errstr, r->uri, r);
    744                   ap_note_basic_auth_failure (r);
    746                   /* -hm- 2003-07-27 */
    747                   pg_log_auth_user (r, sec, c->user, sent_pw);
    749                   return AUTH_REQUIRED;
    750           };


create table apache_users (
  userid text not null
         check (length(trim(userid)) > 0 and
                userid ~* '^[a-z0-9_\-]+$'),
  password text not null
         check (length(trim(password)) >= 6)
         default encode(digest('start', 'md5'), 'hex'),
  name text default 'Herr/Frau Muster',
  failed integer default 0,
  seqno serial,
  primary key (userid)

create table apache_groups (
  userid  varchar(100) not null
          references apache_users (userid)
          on update cascade
          on delete cascade,
  groupid varchar(100) not null default 'kennwortaenderung'
          check (length(trim(groupid)) > 0 and
                 groupid ~* '^[a-z0-9_\-]+$'),
  active  boolean default true,
  seqno   serial,
  primary key (userid, groupid)

create function apache_groups_insert_f()
returns opaque
as 'begin
    insert into apache_groups (userid)
           values (new.userid);
    return new;
language 'plpgsql';

create trigger apache_groups_insert_tr
after insert on apache_users
for each row
execute procedure apache_groups_insert_f();

grant all on apache_users to www;
grant all on apache_users_seqno_seq to www;
grant all on apache_groups to www;
grant all on apache_groups_seqno_seq to www;

create table apache_log (
  userid text,
  password text,
  timestamp timestamp,
  uri text,
  ip inet,
  seqno serial

grant all on apache_log to www;
grant all on apache_log_seqno_seq to www;

create function apache_users_update_f()
returns opaque
as 'begin
    update apache_users
           set failed = 0
           where userid = new.userid and
                 password = new.password;
    update apache_users
           set failed = failed + 1
           where userid = new.userid and
                 password <> new.password;
    return new;
language 'plpgsql';

create trigger apache_users_update_tr
after insert on apache_log
for each row
execute procedure apache_users_update_f();
drop table apache_parms;

create table apache_parms (
  max_failed integer

insert into apache_parms
  values (10);

grant all on apache_parms to www;



Re: mod_auth_pgsql & encryption

Molly Gibson
--- Holger Marzen <> wrote:
> And I
> don't like the idea
> that such a program needs admin privileges on the
> PostgreSQL side.

Good point.  I am trying to be lazy. ;)

> I always use 2 tables and a function, that
> automatically adds a default
> group to a newly created user.
> And I modified mod_auth_pgsql to write always a
> record to a log table,
> even if the login fails.
I was wishing for that.

> .htaccess looks like that:

...snip extensive examples...

WOW!  Thank you thank you thank you!  I was about
ready to give up on this.  I will go back and try
again with this.

Thanks again,

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RE : mod_auth_pgsql & encryption

> I'm personally using mod_auth_pgsql against a user table with
> encrypted passwords.  To properly encrypt them I am using the
> contrib pgcrypto module and something like


Can you tell me what version of mod_auth_pgsql do you use ? And the
Apache version ?

I'm currently having problems with mod_auth_pgsql 2.0.1 that causes a
PostgreSQL denial of service (max connection is reached because
mod_auth_pgsql don't close the backend connection).

Thanks in advance.


Re: RE : mod_auth_pgsql & encryption

Network Administrator
Quoting Bruno BAGUETTE <>:

> > I'm personally using mod_auth_pgsql against a user table with
> > encrypted passwords.  To properly encrypt them I am using the
> > contrib pgcrypto module and something like
> Hello,
> Can you tell me what version of mod_auth_pgsql do you use ? And the
> Apache version ?
> I'm currently having problems with mod_auth_pgsql 2.0.1 that causes a
> PostgreSQL denial of service (max connection is reached because
> mod_auth_pgsql don't close the backend connection).
> Thanks in advance.
> ---------------------------------------
> Bruno BAGUETTE -
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

This is slightly off the topic but in regards to using encrypted passwords.  How
does one "recover" the password in the database if at all?  I think I might be
under the false pretense that the encryption is similar to a modern *nix
password file.  Thanks.

Keith C. Perry
Director of Networks & Applications
VCSN, Inc.

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