Thread: We need volunteers for Comdex!

We need volunteers for Comdex!

Josh Berkus

We've been offered a free table at Comdex this year.  So far, there are four
of us staffing it -- but we need more.

Find details on the convention at:

Volunteers will be expected to staff our booth during most of the convention,
as well as helping out with a "PostgreSQL clinic" on the exhibit floor
(details of the clinic TBA).   You will get free admission to the convention
and possibly food during convention hours.

You will have to pay for your own travel and accomodations, although some of
us will pool hotel rooms.

Please e-mail me (directly) ASAP if you might be interested; I will be booking
plane tickets and hotel by the end of this month.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

Re: We need volunteers for Comdex!

Josh Berkus

> You will get free admission to the convention
> and possibly food during convention hours.

I've also just been informed that vols will be able to attend Open Source
themed events at various hotels and that ApacheCon will also be in Las Vegas
for people who want to double-dip.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco