Thread: Error message, which memory param should I increase?

Error message, which memory param should I increase?

I have a very large query which needs to be very large, and it gives me this
error sometimes:
"Error","7175","06/23/03","23:52:52",,"ODBC Error Code = 08S01
(Communication link failure)<P> Error while executing the query; Out of
memory while reading tuples.

Previously I had done:
1) in /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.shmall = 134217728
kernel.shmmax = 134217728

2) in postgresql.conf:
shared_buffers 10000

The machine has 2 processors, and 1gb of real memory, linux kernel
2.2.14-5.0smp Postgres 7.2.4, many gigabytes free disk space.  Can anyone
tell me what I should do to further try to prevent this out of memory

Additional info, here is the memory segment of my postgresql.conf:
#       Shared Memory Size
#shared_buffers = 64        # 2*max_connections, min 16
shared_buffers = 10000        # 2*max_connections, min 16
#max_fsm_relations = 100    # min 10, fsm is free space map
#max_fsm_pages = 10000      # min 1000, fsm is free space map
#max_locks_per_transaction = 64 # min 10
#wal_buffers = 8            # min 4

#       Non-shared Memory Sizes
#sort_mem = 512             # min 32
#vacuum_mem = 8192          # min 1024

#       Write-ahead log (WAL)
#wal_files = 0 # range 0-64
#wal_sync_method = fsync   # the default varies across platforms:
#                          # fsync, fdatasync, open_sync, or open_datasync
#wal_debug = 0             # range 0-16
#commit_delay = 0          # range 0-100000
#commit_siblings = 5       # range 1-1000
#checkpoint_segments = 3   # in logfile segments (16MB each), min 1
#checkpoint_timeout = 300  # in seconds, range 30-3600
#fsync = true


Terry Fielder
Manager Software Development and Deployment
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
Fax: (416) 441-9085

Re: Error message, which memory param should I increase?

Jan Wieck
It's not the server running out of memory, it's your ODBC client. You
have to change your application to use a cursor in order to deal with
huge result sets.

Jan wrote:
> I have a very large query which needs to be very large, and it gives me this
> error sometimes:
> "Error","7175","06/23/03","23:52:52",,"ODBC Error Code = 08S01
> (Communication link failure)<P> Error while executing the query; Out of
> memory while reading tuples.
> Previously I had done:
> 1) in /etc/sysctl.conf
> kernel.shmall = 134217728
> kernel.shmmax = 134217728
> 2) in postgresql.conf:
> shared_buffers 10000
> The machine has 2 processors, and 1gb of real memory, linux kernel
> 2.2.14-5.0smp Postgres 7.2.4, many gigabytes free disk space.  Can anyone
> tell me what I should do to further try to prevent this out of memory
> situation?
> Additional info, here is the memory segment of my postgresql.conf:
> #
> #       Shared Memory Size
> #
> #shared_buffers = 64        # 2*max_connections, min 16
> shared_buffers = 10000        # 2*max_connections, min 16
> #max_fsm_relations = 100    # min 10, fsm is free space map
> #max_fsm_pages = 10000      # min 1000, fsm is free space map
> #max_locks_per_transaction = 64 # min 10
> #wal_buffers = 8            # min 4
> #
> #       Non-shared Memory Sizes
> #
> #sort_mem = 512             # min 32
> #vacuum_mem = 8192          # min 1024
> #
> #       Write-ahead log (WAL)
> #
> #wal_files = 0 # range 0-64
> #wal_sync_method = fsync   # the default varies across platforms:
> #                          # fsync, fdatasync, open_sync, or open_datasync
> #wal_debug = 0             # range 0-16
> #commit_delay = 0          # range 0-100000
> #commit_siblings = 5       # range 1-1000
> #checkpoint_segments = 3   # in logfile segments (16MB each), min 1
> #checkpoint_timeout = 300  # in seconds, range 30-3600
> #fsync = true
> Thanks
> Terry Fielder
> Manager Software Development and Deployment
> Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
> Fax: (416) 441-9085
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== #

Re: Error message, which memory param should I increase?

Tom Lane
<> writes:
> I have a very large query which needs to be very large, and it gives me this
> error sometimes:
> "Error","7175","06/23/03","23:52:52",,"ODBC Error Code = 08S01
> (Communication link failure)<P> Error while executing the query; Out of
> memory while reading tuples.

I'd say your problem is on the client side, and that you're wasting your
time fooling with server-side configuration.  Consider converting the
query to use a cursor, so that you can fetch a reasonably small number of
rows at a time.

            regards, tom lane