Thread: Newsgroup Mail server down?

Newsgroup Mail server down?

Don Isgitt
I have received no newsgroup mail since last Friday? Is the server down,
or did the member list get destroyed, or what? If the latter, do I need
to resubscribe?

Thank you,


Re: Newsgroup Mail server down?

Robert Treat
If you're reading through the nntp interface, then yes, the newsgroups
are down. I've been told by Marc that he's "working on it" but don't
have any eta.

FWIW there was a problem with the mail lists last week, but they were
supposed to have been restored. You might want to send a query to
majordomo to see what lists it thinks your subscribed to.

Robert Treat

On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 09:30, Don Isgitt wrote:
> I have received no newsgroup mail since last Friday? Is the server down,
> or did the member list get destroyed, or what? If the latter, do I need
> to resubscribe?
> Thank you,
> Don
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