Thread: question about PERFORM and EXECUTE in plpgsql

question about PERFORM and EXECUTE in plpgsql

Weiping He
      I met a weird while using perform and execute in plpgsql.
    the phenomena:
    it seems PERFORM won't affect result status while doing
    SELECT ... query, but EXECUTE do.I think the docs should
    make it more clear if it's true.
    from the docs for PERFORUM:
    " This executes a SELECT query and discards the result. PL/pgSQL
variables are substituted in the query as usual. Also, the special
variable FOUND is set to true if the query produced at least one row, or
false if it produced no rows."
    I think I should FOUND variable should be false in the example
    below, but, my test shows me the opposite.

    my version:

laser_uni=# select version();
  PostgreSQL 7.4devel on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.1
(1 row)

    here my test code:


drop table test;
create table test (t text);

CREATE or replace FUNCTION test()
AS '
         prefix text;
         maxint integer;
         ret text;
         qry text;
         rows integer;

         prefix := cast(date_part(\'year\', now())::integer - 1911 as
text) || lpad(date_part(\'month\', now()), 2, \'0\');
         qry := ''SELECT t FROM test where t LIKE '' ||
                 quote_literal(prefix) ||
                 ''||'' ||
                 quote_literal(''%'') ||
                 '' limit 1'';
         raise notice '' SQL: % '', qry;
--      execute qry;
         perform qry;
         get diagnostics rows = ROW_COUNT;
         raise notice '' rows: % '', rows;
         IF FOUND
         raise notice ''found'';

    ret = ''found'';
         raise notice ''not found'';
         ret = ''not found'';
         END IF;
         RETURN ret;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';


regards    laser