Thread: Import textfile as table

Import textfile as table

Michelle Konzack

I have gotten a 16 MByte textfile with around 27.000 lines of data
which contains a database with 22 fields which are <TAB> seperated.

How can I import it into a (new) table and or new
database of pgsql.

Thanks in advance

Registered Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

Re: Import textfile as table

"Shridhar Daithankar"
On 2 Oct 2002 at 18:01, Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Hello,
> I have gotten a 16 MByte textfile with around 27.000 lines of data
> which contains a database with 22 fields which are <TAB> seperated.
> How can I import it into a (new) table and or new
> database of pgsql.

You can use \copy in psql. I don't know how would you specify tab as delimeter.
May be you should convert it to some other delimeter like ':' or ',' if tab
does not work.

Get a small chunk of that file. First 100 records or so and experiment.
Otherwise it might get quite irritating..;-)


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...they might want to cut it out...Byrd's Addition to Owen's Commentary:    ...and
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Re: Import textfile as table

"Nigel J. Andrews"
On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:

> On 2 Oct 2002 at 18:01, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have gotten a 16 MByte textfile with around 27.000 lines of data
> > which contains a database with 22 fields which are <TAB> seperated.
> >
> > How can I import it into a (new) table and or new
> > database of pgsql.
> You can use \copy in psql. I don't know how would you specify tab as delimeter.
> May be you should convert it to some other delimeter like ':' or ',' if tab
> does not work.

Tab is the separator for COPY. I'm not sure about \copy but I presume it's
going to be the same since it probably only does a copy in from stdin.

> Get a small chunk of that file. First 100 records or so and experiment.
> Otherwise it might get quite irritating..;-)

Very irritating.

Nigel J. Andrews

Re: Import textfile as table

On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:

> On 2 Oct 2002 at 18:01, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have gotten a 16 MByte textfile with around 27.000 lines of data
> > which contains a database with 22 fields which are <TAB> seperated.
> >
> > How can I import it into a (new) table and or new
> > database of pgsql.
> You can use \copy in psql. I don't know how would you specify tab as delimeter.
> May be you should convert it to some other delimeter like ':' or ',' if tab
> does not work.
> Get a small chunk of that file. First 100 records or so and experiment.
> Otherwise it might get quite irritating..;-)

Actually, tab is the default seperator for pg_dump and copy, so it should
work as is.

Re: Import textfile as table

Michelle Konzack

if you seed it sometimes... thanks to 'rovero'

>Run psql......
>create table table_name.........
>copy table_name from '/full/path/to/file' using delimiters '\t';


Am 15:34 2002-10-03 +0530 hat Shridhar Daithankar geschrieben:
>On 2 Oct 2002 at 18:01, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have gotten a 16 MByte textfile with around 27.000 lines of data
>> which contains a database with 22 fields which are <TAB> seperated.
>> How can I import it into a (new) table and or new
>> database of pgsql.
>You can use \copy in psql. I don't know how would you specify tab as delimeter.
>May be you should convert it to some other delimeter like ':' or ',' if tab
>does not work.
>Get a small chunk of that file. First 100 records or so and experiment.
>Otherwise it might get quite irritating..;-)
> Shridhar
>White's Statement:    Don't lose heart!Owen's Commentary on White's Statement:
>...they might want to cut it out...Byrd's Addition to Owen's Commentary:    ...and
>they want to avoid a lengthy search.
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