Thread: Bad timestamp external representation '2001-05-11 00.00.00'

Bad timestamp external representation '2001-05-11 00.00.00'

"Samuele Brignoli"
Hi all,

When trying to insert into a table I obtain this error :

An error occured at: 15/03/2002 15.04.41:
-2147467259: Error while executing the query;
ERROR:  Bad timestamp external representation '2001-05-11 00.00.00'

Is this dot notation of date time not supported? I cannot change directly my
inserton query, so is there a way to enable this notation ( maybe
configuring locale ? ) ?

Thanks, Kako. --

Re: Bad timestamp external representation '2001-05-11

Thomas Lockhart
> ERROR:  Bad timestamp external representation '2001-05-11 00.00.00'
> Is this dot notation of date time not supported? I cannot change directly my
> inserton query, so is there a way to enable this notation ( maybe
> configuring locale ? ) ?

Hmm. This is the first report I've had (or at least that I can recall)
of using dot notation for time fields. PostgreSQL recognizes dots for
year/month/day fields.

It will require some source code changes to make this work for you. *OR*
you should use to_date() to read in the data, which seems a much better
choice ;) When you said that you cannot change the insertion query, do
you mean that you cannot change the query itself, or cannot change the
data going into the query? You've *got* to have some control over one or
the other, right?

Where are you located? Is this a common notation in that part of the

                      - Thomas