Thread: temporary file location?

temporary file location?

Vincent Stoessel
At the end of a long query that I am running I got the following error:

ERROR:  ltsWriteBlock: failed to write block 2427094 of temporary file
        Perhaps out of disk space?

my df -h looks like this:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6             372M  215M  138M  61% /
/dev/sda1              45M   16M   27M  36% /boot
/dev/sda3             8.5G  811M  7.2G  10% /home
none                  250M     0  250M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2              23G  3.6G   18G  16% /usr
/dev/sda7             251M  142M   96M  60% /var

Yes, these are the default redhat partitions. Where is postgresql
writing temporary tables to? Is that a configurable parameter?

Re: temporary file location?

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Vincent Stoessel wrote:

> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda6             372M  215M  138M  61% /
> /dev/sda1              45M   16M   27M  36% /boot
> /dev/sda3             8.5G  811M  7.2G  10% /home
> none                  250M     0  250M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/sda2              23G  3.6G   18G  16% /usr
> /dev/sda7             251M  142M   96M  60% /var

Redhat RPM install of PG?  '/var/lib/pgsql/'

             Why is it so easy to throw caution to the wind.
            Shouldn't it be heavier and shaped like an anvil?

                                                           Jon Anderson

Re: temporary file location?

Tom Lane
Vincent Stoessel <> writes:
> At the end of a long query that I am running I got the following error:
> ERROR:  ltsWriteBlock: failed to write block 2427094 of temporary file
>         Perhaps out of disk space?

Hm ... bc says 2427094 * 8192 = 19882754048, or about 18.5Gb.

> Yes, these are the default redhat partitions. Where is postgresql
> writing temporary tables to? Is that a configurable parameter?

They're under $PGDATA, and you're already filling your biggest
partition, so moving won't help anyway.  I'd suggest looking for a more
efficient way to do the query, instead.

Considering that your total database must be somewhere under 3.6G,
I wonder whether your query is even correct --- why should it be needing
18+G (possibly far more, we cannot tell) of temp data?  I wonder if
you've got an unconstrained join or something like that.

            regards, tom lane