Thread: Can't add PL/PGSQL function even after running createlang.

Can't add PL/PGSQL function even after running createlang.

"Michael R. Fahey"
I'm trying to add the add_one example from the documentation
(Programming 24.4, ex. 24-2). When I try to create the function, psql
complains that the language is unrecognized. I have already run
createlang plpgsql template1 from the command line and then added a test
database. I want to add the function to the test database. Also,
createlang -l test and createlang -l template1 show no functional
languages installed. Any ideas?

I'm running 7.1.3.



Re: Can't add PL/PGSQL function even after running createlang.

Tom Lane
"Michael R. Fahey" <> writes:
> ... I have already run
> createlang plpgsql template1 from the command line

It sure sounds like that step failed.  Did you pay attention to any
messages it generated?

            regards, tom lane