Thread: how do you run your backups?

how do you run your backups?

Hi, I've read the administrator guide section on backups and
I'm wondering is there an easy way to do backups of the
transaction log similar to sybase or oracle?

I imagine I would use pg_dumpall nightly but I'm wondering if there's
something else to run every 10 minutes or so to dump the log.  Or
is it as simple as checkpoint and then copy the old log file?

Is there a way to start with yesterday's dump and load each transaction
log dump in order until you have a complete restore of the database?



Re: how do you run your backups?

"David Wall"
> Is there a way to start with yesterday's dump and load each transaction
> log dump in order until you have a complete restore of the database?

Does recovery of pg_dump and the transaction logs work with a backup and
then doing a rollforward on the transaction logs?  What would be the
procedure?  It doesn't seem as though there is any real connection between a
pg_dump and the backup of transaction logs.

Also, does a pg_dump guarantee a consistent view of all of the tables in a
database at a given snapshot in time, or does it simply dump the contents of
each table as they are encountered while dumping?

And what format of pg_dump is required to also dump the large objects so
that they can be automatically loaded back on failure recovery (or just
copying the database to another computer)?


Re: how do you run your backups?

"Vadim Mikheev"
> > Is there a way to start with yesterday's dump and load each transaction
> > log dump in order until you have a complete restore of the database?

WAL based BAR is not implemented in 7.1
Try to use Rserv from 7.1' contrib - it generates consistent incremental

> Also, does a pg_dump guarantee a consistent view of all of the tables in a
 > database at a given snapshot in time, ...

Yes. And I believe it's reflected in docs.
