Thread: Sequencial scan over primary keys
Hello, I need help in case below. My table tipo_categoria has a primary key, called cod_categoria When I use this key as parameter for my sql script, the result of execution is a sequencial scan, but this is a PRIMARY KEY, it does has an index. How can it be explained? sitest=# CREATE TABLE tipo_categoria ( sitest(# cod_categoria smallint NOT NULL, sitest(# descricao varchar(40), sitest(# CONSTRAINT XPKtipo_categoria PRIMARY KEY (cod_categoria) sitest(# sitest(# ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'xpktipo_categoria' for table 'tipo_categoria' CREATE sitest=# copy tipo_categoria from '/home/postgres/categ.txt'; COPY sitest=# explain select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1; NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: Seq Scan on tipo_categoria (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=10 width=14) EXPLAIN sitest=# \di List of relations Name | Type | Owner --------------------+-------+---------- ... xpktipo_categoria | index | postgres ... (26 rows) sitest=# select * from tipo_categoria; cod_categoria | descricao ---------------+--------------------------------------- 0 | Categoria chamador desconhecida 1 | Reserva 2 | Reserva .. 224 | Assinante com tarifacao especial 226 | Telefone publico interurbano (20 rows) Thanks. José Vilson de Mello de Farias Digitro Tecnologia Ltda - Brasil
Just another question : Does foreign has a automatic created index, like primary keys? ----- Original Message ----- From: Vilson farias <> To: <> Cc: SIMONE Carla MOSENA <> Sent: Sexta-feira, 10 de Novembro de 2000 10:16 Subject: [GENERAL] Sequencial scan over primary keys : : Hello, : : I need help in case below. My table tipo_categoria has a primary key, : called cod_categoria When I use this key as parameter for my sql script, the : result of execution is a sequencial scan, but this is a PRIMARY KEY, it does : has an index. How can it be explained? : : : : sitest=# CREATE TABLE tipo_categoria ( : sitest(# cod_categoria smallint NOT NULL, : sitest(# descricao varchar(40), : sitest(# CONSTRAINT XPKtipo_categoria PRIMARY KEY (cod_categoria) : sitest(# : sitest(# ); : NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index : 'xpktipo_categoria' for table 'tipo_categoria' : CREATE : sitest=# copy tipo_categoria from '/home/postgres/categ.txt'; : COPY : sitest=# explain select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1; : NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: : : Seq Scan on tipo_categoria (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=10 width=14) : : EXPLAIN : sitest=# \di : List of relations : Name | Type | Owner : --------------------+-------+---------- : ... : xpktipo_categoria | index | postgres : ... : (26 rows) : sitest=# select * from tipo_categoria; : cod_categoria | descricao : ---------------+--------------------------------------- : 0 | Categoria chamador desconhecida : 1 | Reserva : 2 | Reserva : .. : 224 | Assinante com tarifacao especial : 226 | Telefone publico interurbano : (20 rows) : : : Thanks. : : José Vilson de Mello de Farias : Digitro Tecnologia Ltda - Brasil :
On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 10:16:47AM -0200, Vilson farias wrote: > result of execution is a sequencial scan, but this is a PRIMARY KEY, it does > has an index. How can it be explained? If you wish use index, then you need include ORDER BY clause. AFAIK two SELECTs on same data without ORDER BY _CAN_ return records in different order. This is part of relation theory AFAIK. So index is not used. But, for example, sequencial scan can be faster than indexed when you do not use WHERE. So for example, 'SELECT * FROM t1' will be faster then 'SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY primary_key_field'. I think. -- Igor Roboul, Unix System Administrator & Programmer @ sanatorium "Raduga", Sochi, Russia
"Vilson farias" <> writes: > sitest=# CREATE TABLE tipo_categoria ( > sitest(# cod_categoria smallint NOT NULL, > sitest(# descricao varchar(40), > sitest(# CONSTRAINT XPKtipo_categoria PRIMARY KEY (cod_categoria) > sitest(# > sitest(# ); > sitest=# explain select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1; > NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: > Seq Scan on tipo_categoria (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=10 width=14) Try it with select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1::smallint; An unadorned literal "1" is an int, not a smallint, and the planner is not currently very smart about indexing cross-datatype comparisons. Alternatively, just declare your table with column type int. Because of alignment requirements for the varchar column, you're not actually saving any space by using the smallint declaration anyway. regards, tom lane
Tom, I've tried like you said (::integer) but doesn't work. I tried another way, using GROUP BY at the end, but no luck again. What now? Table "prog_teste" Attribute | Type | Modifier -----------------+--------------+---------- cod_teste | integer | not null ... Index: xpkprog_teste Index "xpkprog_teste" Attribute | Type -----------+--------- cod_teste | integer unique btree (primary key) sitest=# explain select * from prog_teste where cod_teste=90::integer; NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: Seq Scan on prog_teste (cost=0.00..1.21 rows=1 width=138) EXPLAIN sitest=# explain select * from prog_teste where cod_teste=90::integer order by cod_teste; NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: Sort (cost=1.22..1.22 rows=1 width=138) -> Seq Scan on prog_teste (cost=0.00..1.21 rows=1 width=138) Best regards, José Vilson de Mello de Farias Dígitro Tecnologia - Brasil ----- Original Message ----- From: Tom Lane <> To: Vilson farias <> Cc: <>; SIMONE Carla MOSENA <> Sent: Sexta-feira, 10 de Novembro de 2000 13:11 Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Sequencial scan over primary keys : "Vilson farias" <> writes: : > sitest=# CREATE TABLE tipo_categoria ( : > sitest(# cod_categoria smallint NOT NULL, : > sitest(# descricao varchar(40), : > sitest(# CONSTRAINT XPKtipo_categoria PRIMARY KEY (cod_categoria) : > sitest(# : > sitest(# ); : : > sitest=# explain select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1; : > NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: : : > Seq Scan on tipo_categoria (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=10 width=14) : : Try it with : select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1::smallint; : : An unadorned literal "1" is an int, not a smallint, and the planner is : not currently very smart about indexing cross-datatype comparisons. : : Alternatively, just declare your table with column type int. Because of : alignment requirements for the varchar column, you're not actually : saving any space by using the smallint declaration anyway. : : regards, tom lane :
Just a few suggestions (1) Make sure you have run the VACUUM ANALYZE command on the table (i.e. VACUUM ANALYZE tipo_categoria) (2) Try running the following 3 commands, and comparing the total costs to see which is cheaper (an index scan is *not* always best). If the sequential scan is cheaper, then it should be the fastest, and vice versa. explain select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1; set enableseqscan=off; explain select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1; Here is example output radius=# explain select * from tiacct where ti_username = 'admin'; NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: Seq Scan on tiacct (cost=0.00..178.70 rows=96 width=44) ^^^^^^ EXPLAIN radius=# set enable_seqscan=off; SET VARIABLE radius=# explain select * from tiacct where ti_username = 'admin'; NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: Index Scan using idx_tiacct on tiacct (cost=0.00..253.88 rows=96 width=44 ^^^^^^ In this situation Postgres will use the seq scan, rather than the index scan, due to its cheaper cost. Michael Fork - CCNA - MCP - A+ Network Support - Toledo Internet Access - Toledo Ohio On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Vilson farias wrote: > > Hello, > > I need help in case below. My table tipo_categoria has a primary key, > called cod_categoria When I use this key as parameter for my sql script, the > result of execution is a sequencial scan, but this is a PRIMARY KEY, it does > has an index. How can it be explained? > > > > sitest=# CREATE TABLE tipo_categoria ( > sitest(# cod_categoria smallint NOT NULL, > sitest(# descricao varchar(40), > sitest(# CONSTRAINT XPKtipo_categoria PRIMARY KEY (cod_categoria) > sitest(# > sitest(# ); > NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index > 'xpktipo_categoria' for table 'tipo_categoria' > CREATE > sitest=# copy tipo_categoria from '/home/postgres/categ.txt'; > COPY > sitest=# explain select * from tipo_categoria where cod_categoria = 1; > NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: > > Seq Scan on tipo_categoria (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=10 width=14) > > EXPLAIN > sitest=# \di > List of relations > Name | Type | Owner > --------------------+-------+---------- > ... > xpktipo_categoria | index | postgres > ... > (26 rows) > sitest=# select * from tipo_categoria; > cod_categoria | descricao > ---------------+--------------------------------------- > 0 | Categoria chamador desconhecida > 1 | Reserva > 2 | Reserva > .. > 224 | Assinante com tarifacao especial > 226 | Telefone publico interurbano > (20 rows) > > > Thanks. > > Jos� Vilson de Mello de Farias > Digitro Tecnologia Ltda - Brasil >