Thread: if (SQLCODE != 0) { sprintf(rMsg,"ERROR: ERROR on SELError Unknown type 'oid8'

if (SQLCODE != 0) { sprintf(rMsg,"ERROR: ERROR on SELError Unknown type 'oid8'

Paul Hardiman
using postgres 7.02 linux 2.2.13-4mdk. I built postgres with perl and
odbc turn on. No other options.
The location /opt/postgres is newly created and owned by postgres.

when running initdb -d, I get the following excerpt:
Running with debug mode on.
initdb: Using /usr/lib/pgsql/local1_template1.bki.source as input to
create the template database.
initdb: Using /usr/lib/pgsql/global1.bki.source as input to create the
global classes.
initdb: Using /usr/lib/pgsql/pg_hba.conf.sample as default
authentication control file.
This database system will be initialized with username "postgres".
This user will own all the data files and must also own the server

Creating database system directory /opt/postgres/data
Creating database system directory /opt/postgres/data/base
Creating database XLOG directory /opt/postgres/data/pg_xlog
Creating template database in /opt/postgres/data/base/template1
Running: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -boot -x -C -F
-D/opt/postgres/data -d template1
<proname name>
<proowner int4>
<prolang oid>
<proisinh bool>
<proistrusted bool>
<proiscachable bool>
<pronargs int2>
<proretset bool>
<prorettype oid>
bootstrap.c: External Type: oid8
ERROR:  Error: unknown type 'oid8'.
I have no idea on how to proceed.

I appreciate any assist.

                 Paul Hardiman
            InterMedia, Inc (Colorado)
         Informations Systems Consulting
303-581-0606, Fax 581-0506,

Paul Hardiman <> writes:
> [ initdb fails with ]
> ERROR:  Error: unknown type 'oid8'.

Someone else ran into that just a few days ago.  Looks to me like you're
picking up old library files (*.bki files) from a 6.5 or older
installation, instead of the ones that go with 7.0.  Check your
PGLIB setting.

            regards, tom lane