Thread: RE: [GENERAL] 8 K Limit??

RE: [GENERAL] 8 K Limit??

"Jackson, DeJuan"
The limit can be increased to 32K if you're willing to recompile, but I
doubt this will  completely solve your problem.
There is also the Large Objects interface which has a whole set of problems
all it's own.
If setting the limit to 32K will solve your problem you might ask in
pgsql-admin what to change.
If using Large Objects is the way you decide to go try pgsql-interfaces.
But chances are you can code around the limitation.  (Hey I've used
commercial databases with a 2K limit's so PostgreSQL's 8K limit has spoiled

> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Sean R Melody []
> Sent:    Monday, June 07, 1999 4:41 PM
> To:
> Subject:    [GENERAL] 8 K Limit??
> Our student government here at Northwestern is putting our legislation
> archives online with Postgresql.  The only problem we encountered was
> that there seems to be an 8 K table limit in Postgresql.  I was
> wondering if there is a way around it or if version 6.5 will no longer
> have this limitation.
> Thanks,
> Sean