Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] custom types and optimization

Re: [GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] custom types and optimization

From (Richard Lynch)
At 12:12 AM 6/1/98, Bruce Momjian wrote:

>Users, we need to hear from you on this, and why you chose to use
>PostgreSQL.  We don't need people foaming at the mouth, but we do need
>our users to give use good visibility and publicity.

I'm using pgsql because that's what my ISP has, and I'm having enough
trouble getting a compatible php compiled (since my ISP won't let me
compile) that I wouldn't even want to think about trying to get a backend
*AND* frontend compiled.

That said...

The more you can do to make the installation/upgade process easier for a
Unix sysadmin who probably isn't all that familiar with pgsql, the better.

There are lots of ISPs out there that want to offer more bullet points to
potential customers, and most of them are smart enough not to offer
something they don't really know how to support.

Perhaps a really low-valume mailing list specifically for ISP managers
would be an inducement.

And training in PostgreSQL for ISPs to ramp up would be a boon.  In my
limited experience, most ISPs are so overloaded trying to keep their
hardware alive and staying up-to-date on the networking software they
already support, that adding a new package is extremely tough.  Anything
pgsql developers can do to significantly lower that acquisition curve would
be good.


Hey Bruce

Tom Good
> At 12:12 AM 6/1/98, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Users, we need to hear from you on this, and why you chose to use
> PostgreSQL.  We don't need people foaming at the mouth, but we do need
> our users to give use good visibility and publicity.


I'm looking to deploy PostgreSQL in a real environment (well, if
one considers Psychiatry a real environment ;-)

The tentative go-live date is 01 OCT 1998.  I am replacing
            UnixWare 2.1.2 and Progress 7.3A09
  Slackware 3.4, PostgreSQL 6.3.2 (or 6.4 ;-) and Perl 5.004.

Why?  $8k for 25 users/1 developer for PROGRESS.  And they adamantly
refuse to port to Linux.  (And I've had enough of SCO...)  But it's
not just money.  Progress (at least version 7) only supports 2 of
the 3 SQL subsets (they have a proprietary interface that replaces
DCL, oh, and you can't use the 4GL on tables created by SQL DDL.)
And Progress only adheres to the 1989 ANSI std (ouch).

I know alot of Progress users who hesitate to jump ship (despite no
great love for Progress' prices and clumsy account adminstration)
due to fondness for the 4GL.

Edmund Mergl has solved that problem.  DBI::DBD-Pg makes Perl into a
virtual 4GL.  (Bad pun intended.)  And of course, Michael Meskes is
creating a valuable tool in ecpg.   libpq eludes me but perl is cake.
And so I can have my great engine and a nice (and very portable)

BTW, I am an exhibitor at PC Expo at the Javitts Centre the
week of 15 June - if you want any literature dispensed.
Incidentally, I will be tabling with a partner organization:
The National Cristina Foundation.  We are both non-profits and
are going to PC Expo to solicit donated we have
no problem with supporting another dot-org.


        User Guide Dog Database Project
  Project Coordinator:  Peter J. Puckall <>
  C/Perl:              Paul Anderson <>
  SQL/Perl:            Tom Good <>
  HTML:                Chris House <>
  SQL/Perl:            Phil R. Lawrence <>
  Perl:                Mike List <>
  Progress 4GL:        Robert March <>
  Powered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2 //  DBI-0.91::DBD-PG-0.69 // Perl5