Thread: postgres v6.0

postgres v6.0

Correa Vargas

I'm a Systems Engeneering student from Colombia, and I'm interesting in
use Postgres as a ORDBMS.
Here at "Los Andes" University the version that is installed is v6.0, and
I would like to have documentation more detailed for this version of
Postgres. I really need it, and I have not found information about it.
At Postgres's home, documentation is very complete...and I would like to
have something similar for v6.0.
Can you help me?!

...Or do you think that is better to install a most recent version?!...

I wrote a mail one week ago more or less, and I have not received a reply.
Please write to me...I need to know if you're receiving my mails, and if
you can help me.

Thank you in advance

Ingrith Andrea Correa Vargas

Systems Engeneering
"Los Andes" University
Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia