Thread: Updated Cygwin Package: postgresql-7.4-1

Updated Cygwin Package: postgresql-7.4-1

Jason Tishler
New News:
=== ====
I have updated the version of PostgreSQL to 7.4-1.  The tarballs should
be available on a Cygwin mirror near you shortly.

The following are the notable changes since the previous release:

    o upgrade to PostgreSQL 7.4
    o enable SSL support
    o include C server-side development headers and library
    o comply with FHS directory structure

Remember to pg_dump your data before upgrading from a previous version.

Old News:
=== ====
PostgreSQL is an open-source, Object-Relational DBMS.  If interested,
see the PostgreSQL web site for more details:

Please read the README file:


since it covers requirements, installation, known issues, etc.

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.

Note that we have recently stopped downloads from
(aka due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will
need to find a mirror which has this update.

In the US,
is a reliable high bandwidth connection.

In Germany,
is usually pretty good.

In the UK,
is usually up-to-date within 48 hours.

If one of the above doesn't have the latest version of this package
then you can either wait for the site to be updated or find another

The setup.exe program will figure out what needs to be updated on your
system and will install newer packages automatically.

If you have questions or comments, please send them to the Cygwin
mailing list at: .  I would appreciate if you would
use this mailing list rather than emailing me directly.  This includes
ideas and comments about the setup utility or Cygwin in general.

If you want to make a point or ask a question, the Cygwin mailing list
is the appropriate place.


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Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6

Re: Updated Cygwin Package: postgresql-7.4-1

"Markus Seibold"
> Please read the README file:
>     /usr/doc/Cygwin/postgresql-7.4.README

I just installed postgresql-7.4-1 using the cygwin setup.exe.

On my PC, the postgresql-7.4.README is not located in /usr/doc/Cygwin/ but
in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin.
Jason, maybe you want to change this or make an announcement.

I also want to really thank you for your work ... I have no experience with
UNIX systems at all and am absolutely thankful for you making it that easy
for windows-only users to install postgresql!!!


Markus Seibold
Krebsgasse 6
D-93047 Regensburg
Phone: +49 (941) 504 1009
Mobile: +49 (171) 212 6869
FAX: +49 (89) 1488 210457

Problems with Cygwin postgresql-7.4.README

"Markus Seibold"
Hello Jason, hello everybody,

first of all ... thanks to Jason for already offering PostgreSQL 7.4 for

I tried to install PostgreSQL 7.4 today as NT/2000 services under Windows
2000 Pro and encountered several problems (I followed Jason's latest readme
file included in the Cygwin PostgreSQL 7.4-1 package):

point 2. in Jason's readme:
- $password: Do I have to set the password? Is there a predefined password
stored in the variable $password? Can I set my own password by just typing it
instead of using $password?
- /fullname: why is "postgres" not in quotation marks?
- /homedir: why can't you just write "/home/postgres"? (this simple absolute
path works with all other paths - i.e., /usr/bin/postmaster)

point 4. in Jason's readme:
-- path /usr/bin/postmaster: in my cygwin directory (c:\cygwin) there is no
/bin folder under the /usr folder and therefore I guess there can't be a
postmaster file. Can it be that you mean /bin/postmaster instead of
/usr/bin/postmaster (I

point 9. in Jason's readme
This is where I spent most of the day today trying to change from my
administrator user to the postgres user - I just can't get this step done.

I used: su postgres. The bash-shell promts for the password everytime but
nothing works - neither blank, nor 'password' nor $password nor ...
I also invoked point 2. in Jason's readme with a password keyed in manually:
net user postgres postgres /add .... But I couldn't switch to the postgres
user even with the password 'postgres'.

I really appreciate any feedback which could help me get PostgreSQL running!

Thanks a lot, Markus

Markus Seibold
Krebsgasse 6
D-93047 Regensburg
Phone: +49 (941) 504 1009
Mobile: +49 (171) 212 6869
FAX: +49 (89) 1488 210457

Re: Problems with Cygwin postgresql-7.4.README

Jason Tishler

On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 07:26:26PM +0100, Markus Seibold wrote:
> first of all ... thanks to Jason for already offering PostgreSQL 7.4
> for Cygwin!!!

You are welcome.

> point 2. in Jason's readme:
> ==================
> - $password: Do I have to set the password?

No, it yours box -- administer it how you see fit.

> Is there a predefined password stored in the variable $password?


> Can I set my own password by just typing it instead of using
> $password?

The "$password" moniker just means a password of your choice.

> - /fullname: why is "postgres" not in quotation marks?

Because it is not necessary under bash -- which happens to be the shell
that I use.

> - /homedir: why can't you just write "/home/postgres"? (this simple absolute
> path works with all other paths - i.e., /usr/bin/postmaster)

Because Windows is interpreting this command -- not Cygwin.

> point 4. in Jason's readme:
> ==================
> -- path /usr/bin/postmaster: in my cygwin directory (c:\cygwin) there is no
> /bin folder under the /usr folder and therefore I guess there can't be a
> postmaster file. Can it be that you mean /bin/postmaster instead of
> /usr/bin/postmaster (I

No, /usr/bin is a mount point:

    $ mount
*>  C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode) <*
    C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
    C:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)

BTW, /usr/bin/postmaster really exists:

    $ ls -l /usr/bin/postmaster
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 Administ None           23 Oct 17 07:56 /usr/bin/postmaster -> postgres.exe

> point 9. in Jason's readme
> ==================
> This is where I spent most of the day today trying to change from my
> administrator user to the postgres user - I just can't get this step
> done.
> I used: su postgres. The bash-shell promts for the password everytime
> but nothing works - neither blank, nor 'password' nor $password nor
> ...  I also invoked point 2. in Jason's readme with a password keyed
> in manually: net user postgres postgres /add .... But I couldn't
> switch to the postgres user even with the password 'postgres'.

Just login as postgres at the Windows logon screen.


PGP/GPG Key: or key servers
Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6

Re: Updated Cygwin Package: postgresql-7.4-1

Jason Tishler

On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 11:50:58AM +0100, Markus Seibold wrote:
> > Please read the README file:
> >
> >     /usr/doc/Cygwin/postgresql-7.4.README
> I just installed postgresql-7.4-1 using the cygwin setup.exe.
> On my PC, the postgresql-7.4.README is not located in /usr/doc/Cygwin/
> but in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin.
> Jason, maybe you want to change this or make an announcement.

Argh!  Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  Hopefully, this (yank
and put) reference to the old path is the last one...

> I also want to really thank you for your work ... I have no experience
> with UNIX systems at all and am absolutely thankful for you making it
> that easy for windows-only users to install postgresql!!!

You are welcome.


PGP/GPG Key: or key servers
Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6

One slight revision to README

Seth Rubin
Hello Jason,

I followed the README to install postgresql 7.4 on my new laptop (with XP
Home), and it went very smoothly.  Thank you so much.

There was only one spot where what I did deviated from the README.  I don't
have a /var/postgresql directory, and mkdir /var/postgresql/data won't work
if it's not there, so maybe you want to change steps 5 and 6 to:

5. Create the PostgreSQL data directory:

    # mkdir /var/postgresql
    # mkdir /var/postgresql/data

6. Change ownership of the PostgreSQL data directory:

    # chown postgres /var/postgresql       # [10]
    # chown postgres /var/postgresql/data  # [10]

Or maybe that's overdoing it?  Just trying to save you from the windiots
(the windows people grossly unfamiliar with unix) ...

-- Seth

Re: One slight revision to README

Jason Tishler

On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 10:59:31PM -0500, Seth Rubin wrote:
> I followed the README to install postgresql 7.4 on my new laptop (with
> XP Home), and it went very smoothly.

Ding, ding, ding!  I think we have winner! :,)

> Thank you so much.

You are very welcome.

> There was only one spot where what I did deviated from the README.  I
> don't have a /var/postgresql directory, and mkdir /var/postgresql/data
> won't work if it's not there, so maybe you want to change steps 5 and
> 6 to:
> [snip]

I prefer the attached patch instead.

> Or maybe that's overdoing it?

A little, but I really do appreciate the heads up.

FWIW, this section of my README is modeled after the standard PostgreSQL
INSTALL file.  Specifically, the following:

    Short Version

      adduser postgres
      mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
      chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
      su - postgres
      /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
      /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data ... &
      /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb test
      /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql test

> Just trying to save you from the windiots (the windows people grossly
> unfamiliar with unix) ...

Thanks for the good intentions...


PGP/GPG Key: or key servers
Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6


Re: Updated Cygwin Package: postgresql-7.4-1

John K
Jason Tishler wrote:
> New News:
> === ====
> I have updated the version of PostgreSQL to 7.4-1.  The tarballs should
> be available on a Cygwin mirror near you shortly.
> The following are the notable changes since the previous release:
>     o upgrade to PostgreSQL 7.4
>     o enable SSL support
>     o include C server-side development headers and library
>     o comply with FHS directory structure

Thank Jason! You've helped to make running Postgresql easy for newbies.

Re: Updated Cygwin Package: postgresql-7.4-1

Jason Tishler

On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 12:10:15PM -0800, John K wrote:
> Jason Tishler wrote:
> >New News:
> >=== ====
> >I have updated the version of PostgreSQL to 7.4-1.  The tarballs should
> >be available on a Cygwin mirror near you shortly.
> >
> >[snip]
> Thank Jason! You've helped to make running Postgresql easy for newbies.

You are very welcome!  Thanks for your feedback.


PGP/GPG Key: or key servers
Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6