Thread: Wishlist: Please ad a switch to dectivate the comments in the dump

Wishlist: Please ad a switch to dectivate the comments in the dump

Daniel Migowski
This would greatly reduce the effords for me do use a diff on two dumps
to check for new stuff to insert. There has been a similar discussion
some years ago, so i guess that I am not the only one who would benefit
from this.

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Migowski

 |¯¯|¯¯|    Ingenieurbüro             Daniel Migowski
 |  |  |/|  K U H L M A N N           Mail: <>
 |  | // |  Nordstr. 10               Tel.: 0441 21 98 89 52
 |  | \\ |  26135 Oldenburg           Fax.: 0441 21 98 89 55
 |__|__|\|    Mob.: 0176 22 31 20 76

Re: Wishlist: Please ad a switch to dectivate the comments in the dump

Tom Lane
Daniel Migowski <> writes:
> This would greatly reduce the effords for me do use a diff on two dumps
> to check for new stuff to insert.

Try a newer version of pg_dump.

            regards, tom lane