Thread: BUG #2543: Performance delay acrros the same day

BUG #2543: Performance delay acrros the same day

"Alaa El Gohary"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      2543
Logged by:          Alaa El Gohary
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 7.4.12
Operating system:   FreeBSD 6.0
Description:        Performance delay acrros the same day

A query on the postgresql DB takes about 5 seconds and then it starts to
take more time till it reaches about 60 seconds by the end of the same day.
I tried vacuum but nothing changed the only thing that works is to dump the
DB ,drop and create a new one with the dump taken.
i need to know if there is any way to restore the performance back without
the need for drop and create
cause i can't do this accross the day

Re: BUG #2543: Performance delay acrros the same day

Bruno Wolff III
On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 07:41:02 +0000,
  Alaa El Gohary <> wrote:
> The following bug has been logged online:

The report below isn't a bug, its a performance question and should have
been sent to I am redirecting replies there.

> A query on the postgresql DB takes about 5 seconds and then it starts to
> take more time till it reaches about 60 seconds by the end of the same day.
> I tried vacuum but nothing changed the only thing that works is to dump the
> DB ,drop and create a new one with the dump taken.
> i need to know if there is any way to restore the performance back without
> the need for drop and create
> cause i can't do this accross the day

You most likely aren't vacuuming often enough and/or don't have your FSM
setting high enough.