Thread: BUG #1184: listeners not cleaned on crash

BUG #1184: listeners not cleaned on crash

"PostgreSQL Bugs List"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      1184
Logged by:          Radim Kolar

Email address:

PostgreSQL version: 7.4

Operating system:   Freebsd 5.2.1

Description:        listeners not cleaned on crash


When postgres sql 7.4.1
 * crashes
 * shutdown immediate
 * kernel panics

After recovery, there are stalled entries in system catalogs which must
be removed by
delete from pg_catalog.pg_listener;

This is a very annoying bug if you are running slony1 replication system.

Radim Kolar

Re: BUG #1184: listeners not cleaned on crash

Tom Lane
"PostgreSQL Bugs List" <> writes:
> Description:        listeners not cleaned on crash

This is a deficiency, without doubt, but it's always seemed like a
mighty low-priority one to me.  There already is a provision for
deleting entries when they are found not to refer to any existing
process, so the odds of actually sending a mistaken notify seem low.

> This is a very annoying bug if you are running slony1 replication system.

If slony reacts badly to an extra notification then I think that's a
slony problem more than anything else.  It shouldn't be that fragile.

            regards, tom lane