Thread: The syntax about CREATE DOMAIN

The syntax about CREATE DOMAIN

"Gary WAN"
Dear Sir,
  I would like to tell you that the SQL about "Create Domain" is still
cannot involve constraints other than NULL | NOT NULL in Postgresql 7.4.1.

  For instances, when I type the following sentences, it shows error

  Create Domain GenderDomain CHAR(1) Constraint g Check Value in ('M','F');

  Error: syntax error at or new "VALUE" at character ...

  How can I obtain the correct syntax about domain in postgresql?


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Re: The syntax about CREATE DOMAIN

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Gary WAN wrote:

> Dear Sir,
>   I would like to tell you that the SQL about "Create Domain" is still
> cannot involve constraints other than NULL | NOT NULL in Postgresql 7.4.1.
>   For instances, when I type the following sentences, it shows error
> message:
>   Create Domain GenderDomain CHAR(1) Constraint g Check Value in ('M','F');
>   Error: syntax error at or new "VALUE" at character ...
>   How can I obtain the correct syntax about domain in postgresql?

sszabo=# \h create domain
Command:     CREATE DOMAIN
Description: define a new domain
CREATE DOMAIN name [AS] data_type
    [ DEFAULT expression ]
    [ constraint [ ... ] ]

where constraint is:

[ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
{ NOT NULL | NULL | CHECK (expression) }

Note the parentheses around the check expression.

Re: The syntax about CREATE DOMAIN

Tom Lane
"Gary WAN" <> writes:
>   Create Domain GenderDomain CHAR(1) Constraint g Check Value in ('M','F');

You need parentheses around the check expression.  AFAICS this is per

            regards, tom lane