Thread: Re: Bug #929: Client connection to postgresql hangs indefi

Re: Bug #929: Client connection to postgresql hangs indefi

Claudio Natoli
> > where test.sql is a file composed of many, many thousands
> of the following pair of statements:
> >     create table dud_table (f integer);
> >     drop table dud_table;
> > Invariably, after some period of time, the second
> connection (B) will
> > hang.
> It would help if you would quantify how many create/drop
> pairs it takes.

[Lots. Ok, I know that doesn't help. =]

The thing is, it happens occasionally. The more statements you throw at it,
the more likely it is to hang before completing the file...

As an attempt at quantification, I'll say this. We are currently using a
test file with about 5000 pairs of create/drop. It (almost?) never makes it
through a pass of this file. Your mileage may vary.

> > Note: Problem may be limited to Windows installation (cygipc?); have
> > reproduced on "virgin" Win2K; have not been able to reproduce under
> > Linux
> If you've tried and failed to reproduce on Linux then the most likely
> bet is that it's a Cygwin bug.  But it would be good to try on some
> other Unixoid platforms before pointing a finger in that direction.

Absolutely. Certainly possible to imagine some form of race condition in
cygipc being responsible, but I'm only guessing from the symptoms (not from
any knowledge of the implementation of either postgres or cygwin/ipc).


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Claudio Natoli <> writes:
> As an attempt at quantification, I'll say this. We are currently using a
> test file with about 5000 pairs of create/drop. It (almost?) never makes it
> through a pass of this file. Your mileage may vary.

FWIW, I ran 10000 create/drop pairs through 7.3.2 (well, actually REL7_3
branch tip, but I'll be *real* surprised if it differs on this point)
on HPUX 10.20.  No sign of a problem.

You did say you tried already on Linux, right?  Which version exactly?

Can someone try the experiment on some *BSD platform?  Three data points
would make me reasonably comfortable that it doesn't fail on Unixen, and
then I'll say Cygwin gets the blame...

            regards, tom lane