Thread: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Adrian Pop

I have a postgresql 7.3.2 crash.
Below you have the details.

All the files included here can be found at:

Operating systems (uname -a)
1: SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-13 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
2: Linux dostoievsky 2.4.18-27.8.0 #1 Fri Mar 14 06:45:49 EST 2003 i686 i68=
6 i386 GNU/Linux

For linux i used the 7.3.2 rpms
For solaris it was compiled.

Before the script, these were the commands used to create the users/database
initdb -D /home/adrpo/postgresql/data
createuser -P -h localhost pgadmin
createdb -h localhost ida
createlang -h localhost -d ida -pglib /usr/lib/pgsql/ plpgsql

Here is the script that crashes the postgresql, name:minimal.sql
--*************** start minimal.sql

-- sequence for translation id
drop sequence g_sqtranslate;
create sequence g_sqtranslate;

-- translate table (table with identifiers in different languages)
drop table g_translate cascade;
create table g_translate
        -- unique generated id
    id    bigint    not null primary key,
        -- english translation for this symbol
    name_en    text    null,
        -- swedish translation for this symbol
        name_sv text    null,
        -- romanian translation for this symbol
        name_ro text    null
        -- here more translation can be added needed.

-- init with default values
insert into g_translate(id, name_en, name_sv, name_ro) values(0, 'No transl=
ation available', 'No translation available', 'No translation=20

-- usage id=3Dg_in_t('English','Swedish');
drop FUNCTION g_in_t(text,text);
CREATE FUNCTION g_in_t(text,text) RETURNS bigint AS
    id bigint;
    select nextval(''g_sqtranslate'') into id;
    insert into g_translate values(id, $1, $2, $2);
    RETURN id;
   language 'plpgsql';

-- usage: translatedstring =3D g_out_t('en',id);
drop FUNCTION g_out_t(text, bigint);
CREATE FUNCTION g_out_t(text, bigint) RETURNS text AS
    t text;
    key text;
        b_en boolean;
        b_sv boolean;
        b_ro boolean;
        select ($1 =3D ''en'') into b_en;
        select ($1 =3D ''sv'') into b_sv;
        select ($1 =3D ''ro'') into b_ro;
        if (b_en) then
    SELECT name_en from g_translate where id=3D$2 INTO t;
        end if;
        if (b_sv) then
    SELECT name_sv from g_translate where id=3D$2 INTO t;
        end if;
        if (b_ro) then
    SELECT name_ro from g_translate where id=3D$2 INTO t;
        end if;
    RETURN t;
   language 'plpgsql';

-- type_code, en, sv
drop FUNCTION p_in_title(text,text,text);
CREATE FUNCTION p_in_title(text,text,text) RETURNS bigint AS
    zid bigint;
    select nextval(''p_sqtitle'') into zid;
    insert into p_title values(zid, $1, g_in_t($2, $3));
    RETURN zid;
   language 'plpgsql';

-- person table is the root table for person database
drop table p_person cascade;
create table p_person
        -- unique code for a person (personalno, or some other code if it d=
oes not have any login)
    code            varchar(200)    not null primary key,
        -- name
    firstname    varchar(80)     not null,
    lastname    varchar(80)     not null,
        -- personal no
    personalno    varchar(15)     null,

        -- the code a person has in the schedule (schema)
        schedule_code   varchar(200)    null,
        -- the key for the doors
        doorkey         varchar(500)    null

-- indexes defined on person table
create index p_ndxperson0 on p_person

create index p_ndxperson1 on p_person

create index p_ndxperson2 on p_person

-- titletype (table for types of titles)
-- looks like this
--   code    | name_id |     g_out_t
--   AT      |     177 | Academic title
--   ET      |     178 | Education title
drop table p_titletype cascade;
create table p_titletype
        -- code for this type of title
    code        varchar(500)    not null primary key,
        -- translation for that
    name_id      bigint not null default 0,
    constraint p_c_titletype_fk_name_id foreign key(name_id) references g_tran=
        match full
        on update cascade
        on delete set default

-- init with default values=20
insert into p_titletype(code, name_id) values('--', g_in_t('None', 'sv None=
insert into p_titletype(code, name_id) values('AT', g_in_t('Academic title'=
, 'sv AT'));
insert into p_titletype(code, name_id) values('ET', g_in_t('Education title=
', 'sv AT'));
-- after this insert the g_sqtranslate will go up to 3

-- sequence for table title
drop sequence p_sqtitle;
create sequence p_sqtitle;

-- title table (table that tell us the titles available for a person)
drop table p_title cascade;
create table p_title
        -- unique id generated from sequence
    id            bigint    not null primary key default nextval('p_sqtitle'),
        -- what kind of title it is (type)
    type_code        varchar(200)    not null default '--',
        -- translation for this title.
    name_id            bigint    not null default 0,
    constraint p_c_title_fk_name_id foreign key(name_id) references g_translat=
        match full
        on update cascade
        on delete set default,
    constraint p_c_title_fk_type_code foreign key(type_code) references p_titl=
        match full
        on update cascade
        on delete set default

-- init with default values
insert into p_title(id, type_code, name_id) values(0, '--', g_in_t('None', =
'sv None'));
-- after this insert the g_sqtranslate will go up to 4

-- person to title (defines relation between a person and several titles)
drop table p_p2title cascade;
create table p_p2title

    person_code        varchar(200)    not null,

    title_id        bigint    not null default 0,

    constraint p_c_p2title_pk primary key(person_code, title_id),

    constraint p_c_p2title_fk_person_code foreign key(person_code) references =
        match full
        on update cascade
        on delete cascade,

    constraint p_c_p2title_fk_title_id foreign key(title_id) references p_titl=
        match full
        on update cascade
        on delete set default

-- now the crash stuff:
-- put a person in=20
insert into p_person values('99999999-9999', 'Adrian', 'Pop', '999999-9999'=
, 'ADPOP', 'XXX');

-- now add a title in the p_title and relate the newly inserted person to i=
t in the p_p2title table
insert into p_p2title values ('99999999-9999', p_in_title('AT','PhD Student=
-- after this insert the g_sqtranslate will go up to 5 and p_sqtitle up to 1

-- now let's delete what we put in
start transaction;
delete from p_p2title where person_code=3D'99999999-9999' and title_id=3D1;
delete from g_translate where id=3D5;
commit transaction;

--*************** end minimal.sql

The output i get is the following:
[adrpo@dostoievsky init]$ psql -h localhost -U pgadmin -d ida -f minimal.sql
psql:minimal.sql:6: NOTICE:  Drop cascades to constraint p_c_title_fk_name_=
id on table p_title
psql:minimal.sql:6: NOTICE:  Drop cascades to constraint p_c_titletype_fk_n=
ame_id on table p_titletype
psql:minimal.sql:18: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implic=
it index 'g_translate_pkey' for table 'g_translate'
INSERT 25180 1
psql:minimal.sql:39: ERROR:  RemoveFunction: function g_out_t(text, bigint)=
 does not exist
psql:minimal.sql:80: NOTICE:  Drop cascades to constraint p_c_p2title_fk_pe=
rson_code on table p_p2title
psql:minimal.sql:95: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implic=
it index 'p_person_pkey' for table 'p_person'
psql:minimal.sql:120: NOTICE:  Drop cascades to constraint p_c_title_fk_typ=
e_code on table p_title
psql:minimal.sql:131: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create impli=
cit index 'p_titletype_pkey' for table 'p_titletype'
psql:minimal.sql:131: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s)=
 for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
INSERT 25199 1
INSERT 25201 1
INSERT 25203 1
psql:minimal.sql:145: NOTICE:  Drop cascades to constraint p_c_p2title_fk_t=
itle_id on table p_p2title
psql:minimal.sql:162: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create impli=
cit index 'p_title_pkey' for table 'p_title'
psql:minimal.sql:162: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s)=
 for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
INSERT 25222 1
psql:minimal.sql:189: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create impli=
cit index 'p_c_p2title_pk' for table 'p_p2title'
psql:minimal.sql:189: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s)=
 for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
INSERT 25236 1
INSERT 25239 1
psql:minimal.sql:206: server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
psql:minimal.sql:206: connection to server was lost

The database log tells the folowing:
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: insert into p_person values('=
99999999-9999', 'Adrian', 'Pop', '999999-9999', 'ADPOP', 'XXX');
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: insert into p_person values('9999=
9999-9999', 'Adrian', 'Pop', '999999-9999', 'ADPOP', 'XXX');
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: insert into p_person values('=
99999999-9999', 'Adrian', 'Pop', '999999-9999', 'ADPOP', 'XXX');
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: insert into p_person values('=
99999999-9999', 'Adrian', 'Pop', '999999-9999', 'ADPOP', 'XXX');
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  duration: 0.014517 sec
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: insert into p_p2title values =
('99999999-9999', p_in_title('AT','PhD Student','Doktorand'));
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: insert into p_p2title values ('99=
999999-9999', p_in_title('AT','PhD Student','Doktorand'));
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: insert into p_p2title values =
('99999999-9999', p_in_title('AT','PhD Student','Doktorand'));
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: SELECT  nextval('p_sqtitle')
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: insert into p_title values( $1 , =
 $2 , g_in_t( $3 ,  $4 ))
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: SELECT   $1=20
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."p_pe=
rson" x WHERE "code" =3D $1 FOR UPDATE OF x
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."p_ti=
tle" x WHERE "id" =3D $1 FOR UPDATE OF x
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: insert into p_p2title values =
('99999999-9999', p_in_title('AT','PhD Student','Doktorand'));
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  duration: 0.025779 sec
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: start transaction;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: start transaction;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: start transaction;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: start transaction;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  duration: 0.000268 sec
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: delete from p_p2title where p=
erson_code=3D'99999999-9999' and title_id=3D1;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: delete from p_p2title where perso=
n_code=3D'99999999-9999' and title_id=3D1;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: delete from p_p2title where p=
erson_code=3D'99999999-9999' and title_id=3D1;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: delete from p_p2title where p=
erson_code=3D'99999999-9999' and title_id=3D1;
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  duration: 0.002086 sec
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: delete from g_translate where=
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: delete from g_translate where id=
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  statement: delete from g_translate where=
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: UPDATE ONLY "public"."p_titletype=
" SET "name_id" =3D NULL WHERE "name_id" =3D $1
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: UPDATE ONLY "public"."p_title" SE=
T "name_id" =3D NULL WHERE "name_id" =3D $1
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3525]   DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3525]   DEBUG:  child process (pid 3531) was terminate=
d by signal 11
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3525]   LOG:  server process (pid 3531) was terminated=
 by signal 11
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3525]   LOG:  terminating any other active server proc=
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3525]   LOG:  all server processes terminated; reiniti=
alizing shared memory and semaphores
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3525]   DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3525]   DEBUG:  invoking IpcMemoryCreate(size=3D146636=
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  database system was interrupted at 2003-=
03-25 18:42:01 CET
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/904D30
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  redo record is at 0/904D30; undo record =
is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  next transaction id: 568; next oid: 25171
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  database system was not properly shut do=
wn; automatic recovery in progress
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  redo starts at 0/904D70
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  ReadRecord: record with zero length at 0=
2003-03-25 18:42:28 [3532]   LOG:  redo done at 0/97CEA0
2003-03-25 18:42:30 [3532]   LOG:  database system is ready
2003-03-25 18:42:30 [3532]   DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:30 [3532]   DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:30 [3532]   DEBUG:  exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:30 [3525]   DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
2003-03-25 18:42:48 [3525]   DEBUG:  pmdie 15
2003-03-25 18:42:48 [3525]   LOG:  smart shutdown request
2003-03-25 18:42:48 [3544]   LOG:  shutting down
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3544]   LOG:  database system is shut down
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3544]   DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3544]   DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3544]   DEBUG:  exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3525]   DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3525]   DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3525]   DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
2003-03-25 18:42:50 [3525]   DEBUG:  exit(0)

Now a question: What is with the folowing statement in the log?
2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: UPDATE ONLY "public"."p_title" SE=
T "name_id" =3D NULL WHERE "name_id" =3D $1
Why is set to NULL when it fact it should be set to default (in this case 0=
) according to=20
the "on delete set default" from p_title definition?

Best regards,
Adrian Pop
Adrian Pop      
Link=F6ping University            IDA/PELAB/DIG, bld. B, room 3B:478

ng University            IDA/PELAB/DIG, bld. B, room 3B:478


Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Adrian Pop wrote:

> I have a postgresql 7.3.2 crash.
> Below you have the details.

Hmm, I can reproduce this with current sources.  Backtrace from core
looks like a bug in the setdefault trigger (I'm at work so I don't
have real access to source to get more details).

> Now a question: What is with the folowing statement in the log?
> 2003-03-25 18:42:27 [3531]   LOG:  query: UPDATE ONLY "public"."p_title" SET "name_id" = NULL WHERE "name_id" = $1
> Why is set to NULL when it fact it should be set to default (in this case 0) according to
> the "on delete set default" from p_title definition?

That's because the set default uses a pretty ugly hack.  It plans the
query with =NULL and then replaces the NULL with the default value's
stored plan info.  My first guess is that it's something with this that's
causing the crash.

Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Adrian Pop wrote:

> I have a postgresql 7.3.2 crash.
> Below you have the details.

Okay, I think I've localized the cause (but not a fix).

>     name_id            bigint    not null default 0,

I think the problem occurs with of the hack (mentioned in the last mail)
because the default expression is of a different type.  I think it occurs
specifically because the default expression is of a by value type and the
real type is by reference, but I haven't gone through enough tests to be
sure (it works if I make the default a bigint, a timestamp column with a
timestamptz expression works but an abstime doesn't)

Short term workaround is to make the default expression of the same type
as the column rather than merely something that can be converted to
that type.

Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Adrian Pop
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Stephan Szabo wrote:

> Okay, I think I've localized the cause (but not a fix).
> >     name_id            bigint    not null default 0,
> I think the problem occurs with of the hack (mentioned in the last mail)
> because the default expression is of a different type.  I think it occurs
> specifically because the default expression is of a by value type and the
> real type is by reference, but I haven't gone through enough tests to be
> sure (it works if I make the default a bigint, a timestamp column with a
> timestamptz expression works but an abstime doesn't)
> Short term workaround is to make the default expression of the same type
> as the column rather than merely something that can be converted to
> that type.

Well, you're right, here is my workaround:
-- purpose: workaround the dumb value to bigint conversion of postgresql
-- usage getmebigint(int);
drop FUNCTION getmebigint(int);
CREATE FUNCTION getmebigint(int) RETURNS bigint AS
        id bigint;
        select $1 into id;
        RETURN id;
   language 'plpgsql';

And in table definitions you use getmebigint(0) that makes the
transformation between value type and bigint type

        name_id      bigint not null default getmebigint(0),

Awful but is working until you'll find the problem.

Question: there isn't any cast operator like this?:
        name_id      bigint not null default bigint(0)

Anyway, thankz for the fast reply.

Adrian Pop

Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Stephan Szabo
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Adrian Pop wrote:

> > Okay, I think I've localized the cause (but not a fix).
> >
> > >     name_id            bigint    not null default 0,
> >
> > I think the problem occurs with of the hack (mentioned in the last mail)
> > because the default expression is of a different type.  I think it occurs
> > specifically because the default expression is of a by value type and the
> > real type is by reference, but I haven't gone through enough tests to be
> > sure (it works if I make the default a bigint, a timestamp column with a
> > timestamptz expression works but an abstime doesn't)
> >
> > Short term workaround is to make the default expression of the same type
> > as the column rather than merely something that can be converted to
> > that type.
> And in table definitions you use getmebigint(0) that makes the
> transformation between value type and bigint type
>         name_id      bigint not null default getmebigint(0),
> Awful but is working until you'll find the problem.
> Question: there isn't any cast operator like this?:
>         name_id      bigint not null default bigint(0)

The conversion/cast would be one of
int8(0), 0::bigint, 0::int8 or CAST(0 as bigint)

Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Tom Lane
Stephan Szabo <> writes:
> That's because the set default uses a pretty ugly hack.  It plans the
> query with =NULL and then replaces the NULL with the default value's
> stored plan info.  My first guess is that it's something with this that's
> causing the crash.

Yeah, it's failing to allow for the possible need to insert a type
coercion step.  This code shouldn't be here at all, really --- it should
be using build_column_default instead of messing about with the
default expression directly.  I can fix it, unless you want to...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Stephan Szabo
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> Stephan Szabo <> writes:
> > That's because the set default uses a pretty ugly hack.  It plans the
> > query with =NULL and then replaces the NULL with the default value's
> > stored plan info.  My first guess is that it's something with this that's
> > causing the crash.
> Yeah, it's failing to allow for the possible need to insert a type
> coercion step.  This code shouldn't be here at all, really --- it should
> be using build_column_default instead of messing about with the
> default expression directly.  I can fix it, unless you want to...

Either way works for me. :) I'd guess it should look more like the default
inserting stuff in copy for getting the expression's value.  Doesn't look
too hard to change (might take me a couple of days due to work, but I
don't think that'll be a big issue).

Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Tom Lane
Stephan Szabo <> writes:
> Either way works for me. :) I'd guess it should look more like the default
> inserting stuff in copy for getting the expression's value.  Doesn't look
> too hard to change (might take me a couple of days due to work, but I
> don't think that'll be a big issue).

Sounds like you're busy -- I'll take care of it.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Crash

Tom Lane
Stephan Szabo <> writes:
> That's because the set default uses a pretty ugly hack.  It plans the
> query with =NULL and then replaces the NULL with the default value's
> stored plan info.  My first guess is that it's something with this that's
> causing the crash.

I've applied the attached patch (for 7.3, cvs tip is a bit different)
to fix this problem.

            regards, tom lane

*** src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c.orig    Thu Oct  3 17:06:23 2002
--- src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c    Thu Mar 27 11:28:36 2003
*** 35,41 ****
--- 35,43 ----
  #include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
  #include "commands/trigger.h"
  #include "executor/spi_priv.h"
+ #include "optimizer/planmain.h"
  #include "parser/parse_oper.h"
+ #include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h"
  #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
  #include "miscadmin.h"

*** 2672,2681 ****
                  const char *qualsep;
                  Oid            queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
                  Plan       *spi_plan;
!                 AttrDefault *defval;
!                 TargetEntry *spi_qptle;
!                 int            i,
!                             j;

                  /* ----------
                   * The query string built is
--- 2674,2681 ----
                  const char *qualsep;
                  Oid            queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
                  Plan       *spi_plan;
!                 int            i;
!                 List       *l;

                  /* ----------
                   * The query string built is
*** 2712,2755 ****
                  qplan = SPI_prepare(querystr, qkey.nkeypairs, queryoids);

!                 /* ----------
!                  * Here now follows very ugly code depending on internals
!                  * of the SPI manager.
!                  *
!                  * EVIL EVIL EVIL (but must be - Jan)
!                  * We replace the CONST NULL targetlist expressions
!                  * in the generated plan by (any) default values found
!                  * in the tuple constructor.
!                  * ----------
                  spi_plan = (Plan *) lfirst(((_SPI_plan *) qplan)->ptlist);
!                 if (fk_rel->rd_att->constr != NULL)
!                     defval = fk_rel->rd_att->constr->defval;
!                 else
!                     defval = NULL;
!                 for (i = 0; i < qkey.nkeypairs && defval != NULL; i++)
!                     /*
!                      * For each key attribute lookup the tuple constructor
!                      * for a corresponding default value
!                      */
!                     for (j = 0; j < fk_rel->rd_att->constr->num_defval; j++)
!                     {
!                         if (defval[j].adnum ==
!                             qkey.keypair[i][RI_KEYPAIR_FK_IDX])
!                         {
!                             /*
!                              * That's the one - push the expression from
!                              * defval.adbin into the plan's targetlist
!                              */
!                             spi_qptle = (TargetEntry *)
!                                 nth(defval[j].adnum - 1,
!                                     spi_plan->targetlist);
!                             spi_qptle->expr = stringToNode(defval[j].adbin);

!                             break;
!                         }
--- 2712,2742 ----
                  qplan = SPI_prepare(querystr, qkey.nkeypairs, queryoids);

!                 /*
!                  * Scan the plan's targetlist and replace the NULLs by
!                  * appropriate column defaults, if any (if not, they stay
!                  * NULL).
!                  * XXX  This is really ugly; it'd be better to use "UPDATE
!                  * SET foo = DEFAULT", if we had it.
                  spi_plan = (Plan *) lfirst(((_SPI_plan *) qplan)->ptlist);
!                 foreach(l, spi_plan->targetlist)
!                     TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l);
!                     Node *dfl;

!                     /* Ignore any junk columns or Var=Var columns */
!                     if (tle->resdom->resjunk)
!                         continue;
!                     if (IsA(tle->expr, Var))
!                         continue;
!                     dfl = build_column_default(fk_rel, tle->resdom->resno);
!                     if (dfl)
!                     {
!                         fix_opids(dfl);
!                         tle->expr = dfl;
*** 2947,2956 ****
                  const char *qualsep;
                  Oid            queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
                  Plan       *spi_plan;
!                 AttrDefault *defval;
!                 TargetEntry *spi_qptle;
!                 int            i,
!                             j;

                  /* ----------
                   * The query string built is
--- 2934,2941 ----
                  const char *qualsep;
                  Oid            queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
                  Plan       *spi_plan;
!                 int            i;
!                 List       *l;

                  /* ----------
                   * The query string built is
*** 2998,3046 ****
                  qplan = SPI_prepare(querystr, qkey.nkeypairs, queryoids);

!                  * Now replace the CONST NULL targetlist expressions in
!                  * the generated plan by (any) default values found in the
!                  * tuple constructor.
                  spi_plan = (Plan *) lfirst(((_SPI_plan *) qplan)->ptlist);
!                 if (fk_rel->rd_att->constr != NULL)
!                     defval = fk_rel->rd_att->constr->defval;
!                 else
!                     defval = NULL;
!                 for (i = 0; i < qkey.nkeypairs && defval != NULL; i++)
!                     /*
!                      * MATCH <unspecified> - only change columns
!                      * corresponding to changed columns in pk_rel's key.
!                      * This conditional must match the one in the loop
!                      * above that built the SET attrn=NULL list.
!                      */
!                     if (match_type == RI_MATCH_TYPE_FULL ||
!                         !ri_OneKeyEqual(pk_rel, i, old_row,
!                                       new_row, &qkey, RI_KEYPAIR_PK_IDX))
!                         /*
!                          * For each key attribute lookup the tuple
!                          * constructor for a corresponding default value
!                          */
!                         for (j = 0; j < fk_rel->rd_att->constr->num_defval; j++)
!                         {
!                             if (defval[j].adnum ==
!                                 qkey.keypair[i][RI_KEYPAIR_FK_IDX])
!                             {
!                                 /*
!                                  * That's the one - push the expression
!                                  * from defval.adbin into the plan's
!                                  * targetlist
!                                  */
!                                 spi_qptle = (TargetEntry *)
!                                     nth(defval[j].adnum - 1,
!                                         spi_plan->targetlist);
!                                 spi_qptle->expr = stringToNode(defval[j].adbin);
!                                 break;
!                             }
!                         }
--- 2983,3012 ----
                  qplan = SPI_prepare(querystr, qkey.nkeypairs, queryoids);

!                  * Scan the plan's targetlist and replace the NULLs by
!                  * appropriate column defaults, if any (if not, they stay
!                  * NULL).
!                  *
!                  * XXX  This is really ugly; it'd be better to use "UPDATE
!                  * SET foo = DEFAULT", if we had it.
                  spi_plan = (Plan *) lfirst(((_SPI_plan *) qplan)->ptlist);
!                 foreach(l, spi_plan->targetlist)
!                     TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l);
!                     Node *dfl;
!                     /* Ignore any junk columns or Var=Var columns */
!                     if (tle->resdom->resjunk)
!                         continue;
!                     if (IsA(tle->expr, Var))
!                         continue;
!                     dfl = build_column_default(fk_rel, tle->resdom->resno);
!                     if (dfl)
!                         fix_opids(dfl);
!                         tle->expr = dfl;