Hello? Please help me.
I have some problems using postgres SQL server.
Could you please help me ?
I will brefly explain my situation.
1) I am testing postgress ver 7.1.2
2) I am using
3) I have created a table 'message like below
CREATE TABLE message (
mid int PRIMARY KEY,
message oid
4) I have prepared a program to access the table 'message' in JAVA.
ResultSet rs = s.executeStatement("SELECT * FROM message");
// Question ?
// How to access the field 'message' after executing the above statement
// As you know the field-type of 'message' is binary large object
// I have tested with rs.getBinaryStream(2), rs.getCharacterStream(2),
// ,but all of them don't work well.
// Help me !
// If you know about question, please tell me how to read/write data to
BLOB field.