Thread: initdb crash after install

initdb crash after install

"Jim Buckley"

I have read many of the questions concerning this issue. I
too have installed PostgreSQL 6.5.3 faithfully following the
instructions in the INSTALL file. The initdb crashes with
the following error:

ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "template1": can't parse

In my reading of the question archive, I see the solution
seems to be to clean out all the old templates. We did a
fresh install of Redhat 6.2 in a CS class, and it must
automatically install postgres because postgres was already
present on the system.

My question is:  How does one find all the old libraries and
clean them out?

Thanks for your time,

Jim Buckley,
CS Student,
Oregon State University.

Re: initdb crash after install

Tucker I Sylvestro
Did you do an install from source?  If so, I had a problem similar to
this when installing on 6.5.3 on RH6.0.  The postgres install script
doesn't clean out the old binaries from /usr/bin, and setting your
path as listed in the installation instructions puts the newly created
binaries directory after /usr/bin.  The result is confusion and chaos
as the different versions of data and code are unable to understand
each other.  My solution was to copy all the new binaries into
/usr/bin and re-run initdb, but setting the path so the new binaries
are located first would also probably work.

My problem was different, so I can't guarantee this is the answer.
initdb worked for me, but pg_dump gave me a "couldn't find any
tables!" error.  It sounds to me like these both might be a similar
case of mismatched versions living on the same system though.


> Greetings.
> I have read many of the questions concerning this issue. I
> too have installed PostgreSQL 6.5.3 faithfully following the
> instructions in the INSTALL file. The initdb crashes with
> the following error:
> ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "template1": can't parse
> "template1"
> In my reading of the question archive, I see the solution
> seems to be to clean out all the old templates. We did a
> fresh install of Redhat 6.2 in a CS class, and it must
> automatically install postgres because postgres was already
> present on the system.
> My question is:  How does one find all the old libraries and
> clean them out?
> Thanks for your time,
> Jim Buckley,
> CS Student,
> Oregon State University.

Re: initdb crash after install

Tom Lane
"Jim Buckley" <> writes:
> The initdb crashes with the following error:

> ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "template1": can't parse
> "template1"

Hmm, seems pretty wacko.  I haven't seen that before, but I wonder
whether you are using inconsistent bits of code, ie, a mismatch of
files from your old install and files from the new one.  Check your
path to make sure you are using the right version of initdb, and
make sure that your PGLIB environment variable points to the
newly installed lib directory.

            regards, tom lane