Thread: Triggers on Stored Procedures
Hello. First of all, I apologise if I am posting this in the wrong place. I would like to implement aspect-oriented programming in SQL. To that end, I figured I need a notification method whenever a stored procedure is executed (If possible, with rudimentary filtering). I have seen that this can be done with triggers for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands, and with RULES for SELECT commands. My question is: Is there a way to do this to stored procedures, without modifying the stored procedure code? Thank you. Omer Anson.
Omer Anson <> wrote: > First of all, I apologise if I am posting this in the wrong place. Not a bad place to start, I guess. If it gets into the realm of an enhancement request or proposal it might belong on -hackers, but since you're asking about how it might be done now, this is good. > I would like to implement aspect-oriented programming in SQL. To > that end, I figured I need a notification method whenever a stored > procedure is executed (If possible, with rudimentary filtering). Well, PostgreSQL doesn't have stored procedures, but it has functions, which are similar in many respects. > I have seen that this can be done with triggers for INSERT, > UPDATE, and DELETE commands, and with RULES for SELECT commands. > > My question is: Is there a way to do this to stored procedures, > without modifying the stored procedure code? You could put "pointcut" schemas ahead of "concern" schemas (both business logic and cross-cutting). The "join points" would effectively be the business logic concern functions and the "advice" would be embodied in the cross-cutting concern functions. You would just need to build a tool to create the appropriate pointcut methods to tie them together as desired, changing the searchpath locally, or specifying concern function names with schema-qualification. Of course, you could do the pointcut specification manually, one method at a time, but that's not very "enterprisy". -Kevin
Resending because I just noticed that the list was not copied on the rest of the exchange. (Omer, please keep the list copied in any future exchanges, as it tends to make the discussion available on search engines for those who may have similar questions.) Omer wasn't sure about what I was proposing, so I provided this example, which Omer said was exactly what was needed. Omer Anson <> wrote: > Did I understand you correctly? A simple example would probably be good: test=# create schema pointcut; CREATE SCHEMA test=# create schema appconcern; CREATE SCHEMA test=# create schema crosscutconcern; CREATE SCHEMA test=# set search_path to test-# pointcut,appconcern,crosscutconcern,public; SET test=# create function appconcern.addints(a int, b int) test-# returns int language sql immutable strict test-# as 'select $1 + $2;'; CREATE FUNCTION test=# select addints(2,3); addints --------- 5 (1 row) test=# create function crosscutconcern.notifyenterfunc(funcname text) test-# returns void language plpgsql immutable strict as $$ test$# begin raise notice 'entering fucntion %', funcname; end; test$# $$; CREATE FUNCTION test=# create function crosscutconcern.notifyleavefunc(funcname text) test-# returns void language plpgsql immutable strict test-# as $$ test$# begin raise notice 'leaving fucntion %', funcname; end; test$# $$; CREATE FUNCTION test=# create or replace function pointcut.addints(a int, b int) test-# returns int language plpgsql immutable strict test-# as $$ test$# declare resultval int; test$# begin test$# perform crosscutconcern.notifyenterfunc('addints'); test$# select appconcern.addints(a, b) into resultval; test$# perform crosscutconcern.notifyleavefunc('addints'); test$# return resultval; test$# end; test$# $$; CREATE FUNCTION test=# select addints(2,3); NOTICE: entering fucntion addints CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT crosscutconcern.notifyenterfunc('addints')" PL/pgSQL function "addints" line 4 at PERFORM NOTICE: leaving fucntion addints CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT crosscutconcern.notifyleavefunc('addints')" PL/pgSQL function "addints" line 6 at PERFORM addints --------- 5 (1 row) Note the unqualified reference to addints was initially the bare appconcern function and was later wrapped with crosscutting functions by the pointcut function of the same name. -Kevin