Thread: PG 8.2 change Letter Sort Order
Hello Group,
I have a Database for German Text using UTF-8 and want to change the sort order of Letters.
Creation Database:
initdb -E UTF-8 --locale=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-collate=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-ctype=de_DE.UTF-8 -D DBPath
The Sort set with --lc-collate=de_DE.UTF-8 was not the right Sort Order ( ß=>ä=>aa=>äb). I need a sort where ß==ss and ä ==ae.
Is there an over Value for lc_collate who changes the Sort Order? (de_DE.ISO8859-1,C,POSIX dosent change it correctly
Or can i change the Sort Orders in Postgresqls Config Files? I havent found the correct ones
Solaris 10
PG 8.2
Thanks for Help
On Dienstag, 5. Februar 2008 wrote: > I need a sort where ß==ss and ä ==ae. If you find a solution, I would be interested, too. mfg zmi -- // Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc ----- // Tel: 0676/846 914 666 .network.your.ideas. // PGP Key: "curl -s | gpg --import" // Fingerprint: AC19 F9D5 36ED CD8A EF38 500E CE14 91F7 1C12 09B4 // Keyserver: Key-ID: 1C1209B4
Michael Monnerie <> writes: > On Dienstag, 5. Februar 2008 wrote: >> I need a sort where �==ss and � ==ae. > If you find a solution, I would be interested, too. What you'd need is a locale definition that acts that way. If that is a common understanding of the meaning of sorting in German, I'd imagine someone has made one up --- but a PG list is the wrong place to be asking about it. We just use the operating system's locale facilities, we don't write our own. You'd want to find some libc or libintl hackers ... regards, tom lane