Thread: ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

"Sunanda Kumaraguru"

Hello Everyone,

Iam trying to use the postgis dumper.I get the follwing error. 

ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).


 Iam sending the sql file as an attachment.

Any suggestions from your side would be of great help to me.















Re: ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 01:48:54PM -0600, Sunanda Kumaraguru wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Iam trying to use the postgis dumper.I get the follwing error.
> ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).
>  Iam sending the sql file as an attachment.
> Any suggestions from your side would be of great help to me.

I suggest you ask on the PostGIS list... you'll find a lot more
knowledgeable folks over there.

IIRC this is a pretty common problem you've run into, so searching their
list archives might prove useful too.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461

Re: ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 01:48:54PM -0600, Sunanda Kumaraguru wrote:
> Iam trying to use the postgis dumper.I get the follwing error.
> ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

What exactly did you do to get this error?  Are you trying to use
pgsql2shp?  After loading your data it worked fine for me:

% pgsql2shp postgis feb3
Initializing... Done (postgis major version: 1).
Output shape: Polygon
Dumping: XX [3 rows].
% ls -l
total 10
-rw-------  1 mfuhr  mfuhr   223 Feb 23 14:49 feb3.dbf
-rw-------  1 mfuhr  mfuhr  5612 Feb 23 14:49 feb3.shp
-rw-------  1 mfuhr  mfuhr   124 Feb 23 14:49 feb3.shx

However, if I empty the table then I get the same error you got:

% psql -d postgis -c 'delete from feb3'
% pgsql2shp postgis feb3
Initializing... ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

I'd guess you're trying to dump an empty table.  If that doesn't
help then try asking on the postgis-users mailing list.

Michael Fuhr

Re: ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 02:54:48PM -0700, Michael Fuhr wrote:
> I'd guess you're trying to dump an empty table.

Or maybe you're issuing a query that returns no rows.

% psql -d postgis -c 'select max(gid) from feb3'
(1 row)

% pgsql2shp postgis 'select * from feb3 where gid > 2'
Preparing table for user query... Done.
Initializing... ERROR: Cannot determine geometry type (empty table).

Michael Fuhr