Thread: two versions on same linux

two versions on same linux

"Paul Gimpelj"
I have redhat 7.3 and postgres 7.2
Is there a way to have 7.4 installed together with postgres 7.2 ? and both running at the same time,
with of course different data directories.
should i use the generic postgres or the rpm'd.
The existing redhat has no passwords for postgres, and even if if assign one to user postgres,
postgres ignores it.

Re: two versions on same linux

"Muhammad Imran"
yup, just configure both on differnt ports
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] two versions on same linux

I have redhat 7.3 and postgres 7.2
Is there a way to have 7.4 installed together with postgres 7.2 ? and both running at the same time,
with of course different data directories.
should i use the generic postgres or the rpm'd.
The existing redhat has no passwords for postgres, and even if if assign one to user postgres,
postgres ignores it.

Re: two versions on same linux

Christopher Browne
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, ("Paul Gimpelj") wrote:
> I have redhat 7.3 and postgres 7.2
> Is there a way to have 7.4 installed together with postgres 7.2 ? and both running at the same time,
> with of course different data directories.
> should i use the generic postgres or the rpm'd.

Presumably the respective RPMs will conflict between the different
versions, which is a bit of a problem.

You could of course install one or the other or even both from source,
as long as you choose a specific place to stick them.

Under the circumstances, I'd be inclined to do this:

 - Install the PG 7.4 RPMs, in order to have things like Perl support
   managed by the package management system.

   Personally, I'd rather stick hot needles in my eyes (add further
   gruesome details as needed ;-)) than manage Perl stuff by hand.

 - Install PG 7.2 AND 7.4 in source code form in some place that YOU
   manage, and run the database clusters out of that.

   A naming convention could be to stick them in /opt; you'd configure
   the source builds something like:

   %postgresql-7.2.5> ./configure --prefix=/opt/postgres/7.2.5
    [then build and install 7.2.5]

   %postgresql-7.4.2> ./configure --prefix=/opt/postgres/7.4.2
    [then build and install 7.4.2]

You'd need to customize both "init" scripts in /etc/rc.d, perhaps
basing them on the ones provided by the RPM file.

> The existing redhat has no passwords for postgres, and even if if
> assign one to user postgres,
> postgres ignores it.

That's probably based on the ACLs configured in the pg_hba.conf file;
if there are "trust" entries there, passwords can get ignored...
(reverse (concatenate 'string "gro.mca" "@" "enworbbc"))
"We  live  in  a  Newtonian  world of  Einsteinian  physics  ruled  by
Frankenstein logic."  -- David Russell

Re: two versions on same linux

"Paul Gimpelj"
I used tar.gz version,
now trying to get regression working.

I want two simo servers.
Any suggestions on port numbers?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Browne" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] two versions on same linux

> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, ("Paul
Gimpelj") wrote:
> > I have redhat 7.3 and postgres 7.2
> >
> > Is there a way to have 7.4 installed together with postgres 7.2 ? and
both running at the same time,
> >
> > with of course different data directories.
> >
> > should i use the generic postgres or the rpm'd.
> Presumably the respective RPMs will conflict between the different
> versions, which is a bit of a problem.
> You could of course install one or the other or even both from source,
> as long as you choose a specific place to stick them.
> Under the circumstances, I'd be inclined to do this:
>  - Install the PG 7.4 RPMs, in order to have things like Perl support
>    managed by the package management system.
>    Personally, I'd rather stick hot needles in my eyes (add further
>    gruesome details as needed ;-)) than manage Perl stuff by hand.
>  - Install PG 7.2 AND 7.4 in source code form in some place that YOU
>    manage, and run the database clusters out of that.
>    A naming convention could be to stick them in /opt; you'd configure
>    the source builds something like:
>    %postgresql-7.2.5> ./configure --prefix=/opt/postgres/7.2.5
>     [then build and install 7.2.5]
>    %postgresql-7.4.2> ./configure --prefix=/opt/postgres/7.4.2
>     [then build and install 7.4.2]
> You'd need to customize both "init" scripts in /etc/rc.d, perhaps
> basing them on the ones provided by the RPM file.
> > The existing redhat has no passwords for postgres, and even if if
> > assign one to user postgres,
> >
> > postgres ignores it.
> That's probably based on the ACLs configured in the pg_hba.conf file;
> if there are "trust" entries there, passwords can get ignored...
> --
> (reverse (concatenate 'string "gro.mca" "@" "enworbbc"))
> "We  live  in  a  Newtonian  world of  Einsteinian  physics  ruled  by
> Frankenstein logic."  -- David Russell
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: two versions on same linux

"Paul Gimpelj"
have running simo,
Have you any suggestions on port numbers?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] two versions on same linux

yup, just configure both on differnt ports
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] two versions on same linux

I have redhat 7.3 and postgres 7.2
Is there a way to have 7.4 installed together with postgres 7.2 ? and both running at the same time,
with of course different data directories.
should i use the generic postgres or the rpm'd.
The existing redhat has no passwords for postgres, and even if if assign one to user postgres,
postgres ignores it.

Re: two versions on same linux

Andrew Biagioni
I would recommend one on the default port (5432).  I have also used, without problems (on RedHat 7.3) ports 5434, 5435, 5436, 5437, 15437.

What I would do (more experienced people, pls. correct me) is to check your /etc/services file to see what ports are used for what (e.g.:
    cfengine        5308/tcp                        # CFengine
    cfengine        5308/udp                        # CFengine
Means:  if you use Cold Fusion (cf) don't use port 5308.

If you use outside packages that use a port but are not standard (sorry, no good examples), avoid their port(s).

It used to be that any port over 10,000 was "open".  I suspect it's not really true anymore, but usually safe.

You can also change your port at any time by changing (or adding) the value in postgresql.conf:
    port = 5432
can become:
    port = 15432
    port = 5434


Paul Gimpelj wrote:
have running simo,
Have you any suggestions on port numbers?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] two versions on same linux

yup, just configure both on differnt ports
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] two versions on same linux

I have redhat 7.3 and postgres 7.2
Is there a way to have 7.4 installed together with postgres 7.2 ? and both running at the same time,
with of course different data directories.
should i use the generic postgres or the rpm'd.
The existing redhat has no passwords for postgres, and even if if assign one to user postgres,
postgres ignores it.