Thread: old pgAdmin?

old pgAdmin?

Kris Deugau
I have need of a version of pgAdmin that can connect to a 6.4.2 Postgres
db.  The only pgAdmin versions I've been able to find all in one piece
have been pgAdmin II...  which will not connect to a 6.4.2 Postgres
according to

I don't have any control over the database;  the administrator knows
it's outdated but doesn't (yet) have any pressing reason to upgrade.

I have a tarball with one version or another of the pgAdmin source;  but
it generates errors with *every* VB form while trying to load in VB6,
and I seem to be missing some libraries necessary for compile,
execution, or both.

Anyone have an (old) copy of the original pgAdmin?

<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

Problem restoring a table from 7.2.1 to 7.3.2

Kris Kiger
I have sucessfully dumped a table from my 7.2.1 database with:

 pg_dump -t table1 -D -U postgres -Ft main > table1.tar

I am trying to use pg_restore to put this table into a 7.3.2 database with:

pg_restore -t table1 -d databaseX -v -Ft -U postgres table1.tar

However I am recieving this error:

pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: creating TABLE table1
pg_restore: connecting to database databaseX as user meep
pg_restore: restoring data for table table1
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  Invalid
UNICODE character sequence found (0xd141)
pg_restore: *** aborted because of error

I understand the error, but I do not understand why there may be an
invalid unicode character present.  The database I am moving from
(7.2.1) stores text as unicode.

The table restores the first 852 items in the table, so I un-tarred the
dump and took a look at the 853 insert.  It looked fine to me, so I
pasted the insert into psql and it processed just fine.  No invalid
unicode character exception thrown.  Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong
way, but I'm out of ideas.  Thanks for the help!


Functions in postgres

Kris Kiger
Hey all, here's a question that I think can be easily answered by those
of you with more experience than I.  What are the
advantages/disadvantages of using a function with postgres as opposed to
putting all of the SQL in an external file (a web page for example)?
 The only advantages that I can see is that if you want to isolate an
entire process or want to associate a trigger with it, you can.  Also, I
suppose it could cut down on a bit of network traffic by sending only
the needed variables rather than the entire query.  Aside from this
however, does it offer any kind of performance increase (ie stored query
plan, pre-compiled, etc)?  Thanks for the insite
