Thread: lost tables

lost tables

"Josh Goldberg"
I moved a few frequently used tables to a separate drive/partition with a symlink to my real data dir.  Thank you Murphy, my other drive died yesterday and I hadn't been making backups of those tables.  Now I have my db back up and running but those tables are hosed.  I can't drop them using DROP TABLE, and I can't do a pg_dump anymore either.  everything complains about pg_toast_xxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is the filename of the table.  How do I clean this up so I can rebuild the tables?
thanks in advance,
Josh Goldberg

Re: lost tables

"Josh Goldberg"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:45 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] lost tables

I moved a few frequently used tables to a separate drive/partition with a symlink to my real data dir.  Thank you Murphy, my other drive died yesterday and I hadn't been making backups of those tables.  Now I have my db back up and running but those tables are hosed.  I can't drop them using DROP TABLE, and I can't do a pg_dump anymore either.  everything complains about pg_toast_xxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is the filename of the table.  How do I clean this up so I can rebuild the tables?
thanks in advance,
Josh Goldberg

Re: lost tables

Tom Lane
"Josh Goldberg" <> writes:
>   I moved a few frequently used tables to a separate drive/partition with a=
>  symlink to my real data dir.  Thank you Murphy, my other drive died yester=
> day and I hadn't been making backups of those tables.  Now I have my db bac=
> k up and running but those tables are hosed.  I can't drop them using DROP =
> TABLE, and I can't do a pg_dump anymore either.  everything complains about=
>  pg_toast_xxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is the filename of the table.  How do I=
>  clean this up so I can rebuild the tables?

Can't tell without more details.  What's the *exact* error message you
get from a DROP TABLE?  Also it'd be useful to see the pg_class rows
for the problem tables ("select oid,* from pg_class where relname = 'xxx'")

            regards, tom lane

Re: lost tables

"Josh Goldberg"
thanks for the reply.  There are a few tables I did this to, here's one of
cms3=# select oid,* from pg_class where relname='view_log';
  oid  | relname  | reltype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | relpages |
reltuples | reltoastrelid | reltoastidxid | relhasindex | relisshared |
relkind | relnatts | relchecks | reltriggers | relukeys | relfkeys | relrefs
| relhasoids | relhaspkey | relhasrules | relhassubclass |        relacl
 19433 | view_log |   19434 |        1 |     0 |       19433 |       10 |
1000 |        836121 |             0 | t           | f           | r       |
5 |         0 |           0 |        0 |        0 |       0 | t          | t
| f           | t              | {=,postgres=arwdRxt}
(1 row)

cms3=# drop table view_log;
NOTICE:  RelationBuildDesc: can't open view_log: No such file or directory
ERROR:  cannot open view_log: No such file or directory

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <>
> Can't tell without more details.  What's the *exact* error message you
> get from a DROP TABLE?  Also it'd be useful to see the pg_class rows
> for the problem tables ("select oid,* from pg_class where relname =

Re: lost tables

Tom Lane
"Josh Goldberg" <> writes:
> cms3=# drop table view_log;
> NOTICE:  RelationBuildDesc: can't open view_log: No such file or directory
> ERROR:  cannot open view_log: No such file or directory

You should be able to get to a state where you can drop the table by

    touch $PGDATA/base/dbnumber/filenumber

where filenumber is the pg_class.relfilenode entry for the table (19433
here), and dbnumber is the pg_database.oid entry for the database.

If there is still a symlink in that position, either remove it and do
the touch to make a plain file, or do a touch where the symlink points

You may need to repeat for each index used by the table, if you moved
those off too.

BTW, recent versions (7.3 at least, and I think 7.2) will allow a DROP
TABLE without insisting on finding an underlying file, for example:

regression=# create table z(f1 int);
regression=# select relfilenode from pg_class where relname = 'z';
(1 row)

-- as postgres, rm the file 2204132

regression=# drop table z;
WARNING:  cannot unlink 2066720/2204132: No such file or directory

            regards, tom lane

Documentation for the \lo_export and \lo_import commands

"Chris White"
Where can I find documentation or help on the \lo_export and \lo_import

Chris White

Re: Documentation for the \lo_export and \lo_import commands

"Chris White"
Found the info in SQL documentation

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Chris White
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 12:16 PM
To: 'postgres-admin'
Subject: [ADMIN] Documentation for the \lo_export and \lo_import

Where can I find documentation or help on the \lo_export and \lo_import

Chris White

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