Thread: Re: Can't connect using PgAdminII

Re: Can't connect using PgAdminII

"YC Nyon"
I tried to access to Postgresql via Pgadmin, it says "user postgres does not
I use localhost to connect. the pg_hba file has a "local all trust" line.The
postgres and pgadmin is installed on
the same server.
also i tried from the command line
        createdb -h localhost test
        psql -h localhost test
and it works.

The puzzling thing is I have the same configuration running on a test server
and it works fine.

Any clues?


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Re: Can't connect using PgAdminII

Andrew Biagioni
I think you need to give us some more details, such as:

- What operating system are you running PostgreSQL on?
- What operating system are you running PGadmin on?
- What versions of PostgreSQL and PGadmin are you using?
- Are they on the same machine?
- When you tried from the command line, what user were you (root,
postgres, ...)?
- On what machine did you try the command line operations?


YC Nyon wrote:

>I tried to access to Postgresql via Pgadmin, it says "user postgres does not
>I use localhost to connect. the pg_hba file has a "local all trust" line.The
>postgres and pgadmin is installed on
>the same server.
>also i tried from the command line
>        createdb -h localhost test
>        psql -h localhost test
>and it works.
>The puzzling thing is I have the same configuration running on a test server
>and it works fine.
>Any clues?
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