Thread: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] uppercase = lowercase

Re: [pgsql-advocacy] uppercase = lowercase

Robert Treat
On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 13:29, Rod Taylor wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 13:21, Justin Clift wrote:
> > Rod Taylor wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 12:49, Josh Berkus wrote:
> > >
> > >>Guys,
> > >>
> > >>>This is what is for.
> > >>
> > >>I've been thinking for some time that we need a Postgresql resouce
> site that's
> > >>more open to multiple contributors than the current hard-coded HTML
> of
> > >>Techdocs.   I was planning on experimenting in porting PostNuke to
> > >>PostgreSQL, but haven't had time.
> > >
> > > Step 1: Put all of the websites into CVS
> >
> > Ewww Yuk!
> >
> > Websites in CVS?  That's a horrible thought.  Sure, it's better than
> the
> > present "people with accounts on the server can upload" mostly-manual
> > approach, but it's not as good as Zwiki will do.
> > Zwiki allows for good web based editing, it lets people be added to
> > groups and have group permissions set, etc.  It's very nifty.
> Great.. How about advocacy? the portal? etc.  Maybe all we have is code,
> config files, and style sheets.
> Still, whatever tools you pick, configure, or change make it public
> (where copyright allows).
> Simple things like idocs.php or the jobs.php code could be improved upon
> (code always can be), yet if I have an idea that may only take an hour
> to implement it's near to impossible to find the sources -- so I've not
> bothered.
> I'd be willing to bet there are a large number of people willing
> (wanting) to do 10 minutes work here and there on the websites that
> don't because it takes longer than that to find the materials.

I agree with this 100%.  Heck, I have access to the code and I still
find it a pain to do anything since we don't have a cvs interface to it.
I'm planning on focusing on www first. Most of it is brochureware
oriented site, with non collaborative content, and non content oriented
development needed ; the types of site that should be done in CVS. (BTW
I had hoped to finish it up last night, but the current
outage has stopped me in my tracks)

Techdocs is a different beast, it's all about collaborative content
development, and as such the zwiki framework should work well for it.

Robert Treat