Thread: Problem with BYTEA data types restoring dumped data from another postgres database

Problem with BYTEA data types restoring dumped data from another postgres database

"Javier Alperte"
I'm having the next problem with the BYTEA field types, when I try to restore data into a new database from another postgres database (same version, 7.2).
ERROR:  Invalid UNICODE character sequence found (0xed5c30) pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  Invalid UNICODE character sequence found (0xed5c30) pg_restore: *** aborted because of error
I'm running postgres in a Windows XP Pro system under Cygwin.
The dump command that I was run is (I also need export BLOB fields) (This server is a Linux RedHat 7.3 with Postgres 7.2 system):
     pg_dump -h -Ft -b -D "databasename" > "databasename".dmp
The sequence of actions that I'm doing are: (This another server is a Windows XP Pro with Cygwin+Postgres 7.2 system)
    dropdb "databasename"
    createdb -E UNICODE -T template0 "databasename"
    pg_restore.exe -Ft -v -d "databasename" "databasename".dmp